Introducing Lee Youngsoo as the second olive tree

This blog is to introduce Lee Young-soo the leader of Holy Eden Church as the second olive tree prophesied in the Bible. Two olive trees are prophesied in Zechariah 4:14 and Revelations 11:4. The articles below will show you the topic related to olive tree.

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God's Providence

This shows God's Providence in simple version.

The Kingdom of Heaven and Hell

This shows the explanation of the Kingdom of Heaven and Hell.

Does God Exist?

This article shows the reason of assertion God's existence. 
1. Existence of Soul
2. Limit of Science
3. About the Bible
4. God’s Prophecies
5. The Reason of Difficulty to understand the Bible
6. 6,000 Years’ Work
7. The Ruler of this World
8. Soldiers of Heaven
9. The saved

The Bible Words for Unbelievers

It explains God created man and why he was expelled and how to go back to God.
1. What is man?
2. The Authority of Death and Hades
3. The Condition for Eternal Life
4. The Mission of Olive Tree
5. Who is the Olive Tree?

The Divinity of Jesus

It shows Jesus had been in God's world and was in this world and now he is working with his two witnesses, olive trees.
1. Authority over the Nations
2. The being before the Creation
3. Being with the Holy Spirit
4. The prophecy of 30 silver coins
5. The prophecy of the crucifixion
6. The prophecy of the fountain to wash away sins
7. The prophecies of the resurrection and the throne

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God's work after Jesus

God had planned to erect Olive Tree after Jesus 

Has Christianity been completed?

It explains the reason Christianity is not completed yet.
1. Jesus received God’s book
2. Incomplete Christianity
3. Why is the book of Revelation so difficult?
4. Who is the one who overcomes?

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The First Resurrection and the Second Death

This is a simple explanation for The First Resurrection and the Second Death.

The Story of the Three Figures

What is God’s Will, and how it will be come true?
God wants to make the conditions to destroy the Devil through the work of three figures.
Let’s see who the three figures are and how to make the conditions to destroy the Devil.
1. Three Figures in the book of Daniel
2. One like a Son of Man and Harvesting at Last Time
3. The Background the Book of Revelation was Given
4. The Reason the Book of Revelation is Difficult
5. Two Witnesses of Jesus, Two Olive Trees
6. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
7. Who is Olive Tree?

When will Jesus come again?

Jesus won't come back before two olive trees appear and complete their works. This article shows why God and Jesus need olive trees and when Jesus will come again.
1. The Promise of Jesus
2. Jesus who Received God’s Book
3. The Contents of the Book of Revelation
4. Conditions for Jesus’ Second Coming
5. The One who Harvests
6. Those who were Prophesied
7. Two on Both Sides of the River
8. Jesus’ Sacrifice and the Spring of the Water of Life
9. Inheritance of the Spring of the Water of Life

The Promises given to him who overcomes

Jesus requested him who overcomes to come out to use him as olive tree. It explains seven promised made by Jesus and the promise of inheritance of the living water from God.
1. Fruit of Life
2. Second Death
3. Hidden Manna and New Name on a White Stone
4. Authority over the Nations
5. Audience with Jehovah
6. Pillar in the temple of God
7. Jesus’ throne
8. The Spring of Water of Life

The Two Olive Trees in Zechariah and Revelations

This article shows what olive trees are and who they are.
1. What is Olive Tree?
2. The Number of God’s Soldiers
3. Joshua, the Symbol of Olive Tree
4. Zerubbabel, the Symbol of Olive Tree
5. The Work of the Two Olive Trees
6. The Inheritance of the Spring of the Water of Life
7. Promises for the Overcomer
8. Comparison between Overcomer and Olive Tree
9. How to Know Who is Olive Tree?

Inheritance of living water

This article shows what the overcomer is and his mission and reward.
1. Why did Jesus take the cross?
2. How do we drink the living water?
3. Why do Christians not know what the living water is?
4. Why does God want to give living water?
5. Was Jesus resurrected in fleshly body?
6. What is resurrection?
7. Did Jesus know all of God’s plan when he was in this world?
8. Is Jesus the last one prophesied?
9. When will Jesus come again?
10. Who is he fulfilling the number?
11. Who is the one who will have the authority over nations?
12. Who are the two witnesses of Jesus?
13. Who is the one clothed in linen above the waters of the river?
14. Who are the two on both sides of the river?
15. What is the mission of the olive trees?
16. What is the authority for the second olive tree?
17. God’s Providence hidden 4000 years
18. The four prophesied
19. Who is the second olive tree?
20. What is he who overcomes?
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The Army of Heaven

God has been creating the army of heaven to destroy Satan during 6,000 years.
1. The composition of the army of heaven
2. The millennium
3. 42 months
4. After the 42 months
5. Capture the beast
6. Capture Satan
7. The authority to judge
8. The authority as King and Priest

What God Wants

When were olive trees predetermined? God decided the sacrifice of Jesus and the work of olive trees before he chose Abraham. This article shows what God wants with the history from Abraham to Canaan War.
1. Abraham’s Question and God’s Answer
2. Symbol of 7,000 years’ work, the History of Israel
3. Number of Heaven, 3
   a. Abraham and God
   b. Isaac and Jesus
   c. Jacob and Olive Tree
4. Number of Earth, 4
5. War of Canaan and War of Armageddon

"Visions from God"
Lee Youngsoo had seen so many visions and published a book, "Visions from God" to show those in 11 languages.
Lee had audience with God in 1970 first and learned God's Providence from God and Jesus in his visions three years.
He founded Holy Eden Church as the second olive tree following God's direction in 1973.

English (for mobile
Korean (for mobile

Bible Stories Misunderstood

Collection of small thought which people usually misunderstand in the Bible
1. Where is the Garden of Eden?
2. Who made the tree of knowledge of good and evil?
3. Is Satan the fallen angel?
4. Who is the devil who tempted Jesus?
5. Is there the kingdom of heaven now?
6. Is Hades hell?
7. Why did not Mary recognize resurrected Jesus?
8. Does resurrection happen one time?
9. Will there be the millennial kingdom?
10. Is the number 144,000 symbolic?
11. Do the 144,000 come from Israel?
12. Is Jerusalem, the apple of the God’s eye, the Jerusalem on earth?
13. Will the battle of Armageddon be on the Earth?
14. Is the one to judge on the white throne God?
15. Comparison between John the apostle and two Olive Trees
16. Does olive tree mean church?
17. Does spiritual experience have no objectivity?


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