[God's Providence] 32. Does the millennial kingdom come true on earth?

32. Does the millennial kingdom come true on earth?

Last time, I showed you that the resurrection is not of the flesh. It is the release of the spirit from the Devil. This time, let's talk about the millennial kingdom.

John the apostle said that martyrs would come to life and reign for 1000 years. (Revelation 20: 4)
A lot of people believe that a millennial kingdom will be made on earth.
But this stems from John the apostle's misunderstanding.

During the millennium, no one but the heavenly soldiers can live, so they have no people to rule. (Revelation 20: 5)
The millennium is not a period of reigning, but a period of military training for 144000 soldiers.
A song that cannot be learned other than 144000 is the strategy for the future war against the Devil. (Revelation 14: 1-3)

John the apostle misunderstood 1000 years as a kingship period because of the sequence of events he saw.
Revelation 20: 1-3 is a scene before this 1000 years that depicts the Devil being caught and imprisoned in the Abyss.
And verses 7-10 is a scene after the 1000 years when the Devil is released from the Abyss and destroyed in the war.
So, John the apostle thought that the scene of the verses 4-6 shown in the middle of the two events would happen in 1000 years.

In verses 4-6, the event of the martyrs sitting on the throne and judging will not happen until after the 1000 years, and after the war with the Devil.
After that, the heavenly soldiers will reign forever and ever, not just for 1,000 years. (Revelation 22: 5)

Jesus did not show his visions to John the apostle in sequential order because he wanted to hide the mysteries of God from the Devil.
Jesus will come again after the final harvest to take his elect. At the second coming of Jesus, the flesh world will disappear. (Matthew 13:38-39)
And after the judgment, a new world is created. (Revelation 21: 1)
Just as there is a physical body, there is a spiritual body. (1 Corinthians 15:44)
Just as there is a land of flesh, there is a land of spirit. (Revelation 21: 1)
Adam was made of the dust from the ground, but his Garden of Eden is not in a physical world but in a spirit world where God is.
So, the soil is also in the spirit world.
The new earth is where the spirits of the dead saved in the judgment are inhabited, which is the kingdom of heaven. (Revelation 20:13, 21: 1)
So, the expression of dust and earth is not just used in the physical world.

This time, I told you that there is no millennial kingdom, and that millennium is a period of training
for the soldiers in heaven. Next time, let's talk about hell.


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