[Truth] 2. Is there a spirit?

2. Is there a spirit?

Many people think that our flesh is our own and that when the body dies everything is over.
But we are spiritual beings made by God and living in this world in our flesh. When we leave our bodies after death we will go to the world of God.
To know about God, you must first understand that you own your body but it is not yourself.

2.1. Vicki Noratuk's NDE Experience
The following is a good example to demonstrate the existence of the spirit:
A congenitally blind woman, Vicki Noratuk, was the subject of a near-death experience (NDE). This material can be easily found on YouTube by searching: "blind woman NDE Experience".
The term ‘NDE’ connotes being close to death; however, the experience is one of actually dying and then returning to the body after a spiritual experience.
Vicki was seriously injured in a car accident on her wedding day. As she was undergoing surgery in the hospital, she rose out of her body and saw the doctors and nurses operating on her. Her heart stopped, but the doctors struggled on to save her. She went out of the building and had a spiritual experience, after which she returned to her body.
She had never known what it was like to have sight because she had been blind since birth. But through this experience she became aware of certain things, like the light.
Many people say that NDEs are not the result of dying but of chemical reactions in the brain. However, this is a false claim because the person’s heart has stopped; if the heart stops, the brain cannot work.
In some cases, the heart and brain of a dead person will stop and recover after a few days. In the meantime, you can not see any chemical activity in the brain. Therefore, NDE does not happen due to the chemical action of the brain.
Moreover, since Vicki is congenitally blind, it does not make sense her brain activity allowed her to see what she saw. It was the eyes of the spirit she saw with.

2.2. We are spirits
As we have seen in Noratuk's example, we are not flesh but spirit. However, while we live in this world we are encased within our bodies.
If I were to come out of my body and see myself, would I still be my body or would I be the spirit looking at it? Please know that your body is not your true self.
There is a myriad of people around the world who claim to have had an out-of-body experience (OBE), including ones during an NDE. However, experiencing a departure from the body does not automatically acquaint us with the spirit world.
Moreover, even if you were to meet someone in the spirit world who told you something, you could not certify that the information is true since there are spirits who aim to deceive people.
Because of this, God had His will recorded in the Bible. If you do not know the will of God, the evil spirits are more likely to deceive you.


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