[God's Providence] 24. What is the meaning of 1260 days?

24. What is the meaning of 1260 days?


Last time, it was given that 1,260 days will happen 1,000 years after the Devil is locked up in the Abyss, which was given by Reverend Lee Young-soo. This time, let's talk about what 1,260 days mean.


1,260 days is the same as 42 months, 3.5 years, and a time, times, and half a time.

3.5 years is the symbol of the number 3.5.

But what does the 3.5 mean?

3.5 is between 3 and 4, where 3 is the number of heaven and 4 is the number of the earth.

A representative example of the number 3 is the three patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

These spiritually represent God, Jesus, and the two olive trees.

The second olive tree will sit together on the throne of Jesus in the future to rule over the kingdom of God.

These three patriarchs are the beings who symbolize the three rulers of God's world in the future.


God chose Abraham because He needed people through which to send Jesus.

Abraham is the source of blessing and the father of many nations as the symbol of God. (Genesis 12:2, 17:5)


Abraham's son Isaac is a symbol of the Son of God Jesus.

God requested Abraham to offer Isaac as a burnt offering, which symbolizes Jesus' sacrifice. (Genesis 22:2)

But because Jesus had to be born among Isaac's descendants, God stopped Abraham from killing Isaac. (Genesis 22:12)


Isaac's son Jacob is a symbol of the two olive trees, the witnesses of Jesus.

Jacob was granted the name of ‘Israel’ after wrestling with an angel and winning. (Genesis 32:28)

This shows that Jacob is a symbol of the overcomer.

Jacob had 12 sons. (Genesis 35:22-26)

His descendants, the 12 tribes of Israel, were the armies of God who fought the Canaan war.

Hence, this shows Jacob is the symbol of the second olive tree who will complete the heavenly armies, the spiritual twelve tribes of Israel.


Examples of the number 4 are 4 generations, 400 years, and 4,000 years.

The 4 generations and 400 years represent Israel's enslavement in Egypt. (Genesis 15:13-16)

During this time, God raised the people of Israel in Egypt as God's army to fight the Canaanites.

It also symbolizes the 4,000 years of producing God's armies, from Abraham to the current day.


In short, the number 3 represents three beings to rule God's world, and the number 4 represents the 144,000 heavenly armies to fight the Devil in the future.

When the number 3 and the number 4 are completed, a perfect number 7 will be achieved.


Furthermore, God symbolized the Devil's obstruction as the number 3.5, half of the perfect number 7.

That is the 3.5 years, 42 months, 1,260 days, and a time, times, and half a time.

During this period, the beast will receive authority from the dragon and fight against the heavenly army to win.

Therefore, 1,260 days does not mean a period at first. That is the Devil's work which attacks God's armies after 1,000 years.


The one who has revealed this throughout Christian history is only Reverend Lee Young-soo of the Holy Eden Church.

It shows that he is the olive tree foretold in the Bible.


This time, we looked at the meaning of 1,260 days which was explained by Reverend Lee Young-soo. Next time, let's talk about God's providence in the history of Israel.


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