[God's Providence] 11. Why is the book of Revelation difficult to interpret?

11. Why is the book of Revelation difficult to interpret?

Last time, I told you that Jesus has not yet returned and that His purpose is to take the chosen ones. This time, we will discuss why the book of Revelation is so difficult to comprehend.

Jesus went before God after His resurrection and ascension.
In the right hand of God, there was a book sealed with seven seals. (Revelation 5:1)
Therefore, no one could see the book.
But Jesus could see it because he fulfilled his mission to take the cross. (Revelation 5:5)
After Jesus saw the book, he came to know God's plan completely.
So Jesus made the revelation known to John the apostle. (Revelation 1:1-2)

John wrote Revelation in the form of a letter to the seven churches. (Revelation 1:10-11)
But the book of Revelation is difficult to understand.
This is because Jesus used symbols and parables to reveal God's plan.
This is a way to hide the plan of God from the Devil.
God's goal is to catch the Devil and throw him into the lake of fire. (Revelation 20:10)
It is the book of Revelation that shows how He will do this, so the Devil should not be allowed to understand it.

The same is true of most of the Old Testament prophecies.
In fact, even prophets do not understand the visions they see as far as important prophecies are concerned. (Daniel 12:8, Zechariah 4:11)
They are not the ones who will fulfill them.
Before the time comes, God won't tell you what they mean. (Daniel 12:9)
When the time comes to do this prophesied work, God will teach someone the secret of how it can be done. (Revelation 2:17)

Jesus said that only he who overcomes would know the new name written on the white stone. (Revelation 2:17)
Therefore, we can know that the overcomer is the one who can learn God's providence and will finish the work.
As said before, he is the one who must cleanse people's sins with the water of life and produce the soldiers of heaven to complete the number. (Revelation 21:6-7)
This is the harvest of the end time.

This time, it was said that if you are not the prophesied one, you will not know the secret of God. Next time, we're going to talk about the being who will harvest.


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