[God's Providence] 31. Does resurrection mean that the flesh lives again?

31. Does resurrection mean that the flesh lives again?

Last time I told you that the battle of Armageddon will be in the spirit world as a war against the Devil.
This time, let's talk about the resurrection.

There are many who misunderstand resurrection as flesh living again.
They believe Jesus was resurrected in the flesh.
They also misunderstand that those being resurrected in the last days will be of the flesh.
However, Jesus said that lives will be saved as spirits and that the flesh is useless. (John 6:63)

When Mary first saw the risen Jesus, she did not recognize him. (John 20:14)
This is because the appearance of the resurrected Jesus was different from that of before he died.
That’s because Jesus went back to His original spirit image.
When Jesus met with two young men who were going to Emmaus after his resurrection, they too did not recognize him. (Luke 24:16)
And during the meal, Jesus showed his former appearance and soon disappeared. (Luke 24:31)
Jesus suddenly appeared in a house with a closed door. (John 20:19, 26)
Jesus also ascended to heaven which his disciples witnessed. (Acts 1: 9)
All of these show that Jesus was resurrected as a spirit.

There are events in the Old Testament that imply God appeared in the flesh.
Abraham saw three people, God and two angels, and served them food. (Genesis 18: 8)
Gideon met an angel but he thought the angel was a man, so he was afraid to see him suddenly disappear. (Judges 6: 21-22)
Samson's parents also met an angel, who they also thought was a man. They were similarly afraid upon realizing he was an angel of Jehovah. (Judges 13: 20-21)
Likewise, God and angels can appear in the flesh before people.

Because Jesus has the same ability, he can appear in a physical body.
This is why people have misunderstandings about the resurrection.
But why did Jesus make himself misunderstood?
It was because the risen Jesus was worried that people would think of him as a ghost. (Luke 24:37-39)
So he had them touch his flesh and bones and ate broiled fish. (Luke 24:40-43)
He showed Thomas the spear and the nail marks from his crucifixion. (John 20: 27)
But Jesus as a spirit has no real spear and nail marks. He only showed himself like that in a body of flesh.

Paul the apostle met Jesus in the image of a shining spirit. (Acts 9: 3-5)
Jesus, that John the apostle met, was shining and fearful. (Revelation 1: 13-16)
Paul the apostle said after the resurrection, the dead will live in immortality. (1 Corinthians 15:52)
The world of the flesh was made for God's temporary needs, and he will destroy it after His will is done. (Isa 34: 4, Revelation 6:14)
The eternal world is not the flesh world but the spirit world.

This time, I showed you that the resurrection is not of the flesh. It is the release of the spirit from the Devil.
For the meaning of the resurrection, see the second covenant given to the overcomer, the 14th topic.
Next time, let's talk about the millennial kingdom.


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