[God's Providence] 25. The history of Israel and the Providence of God

25. The history of Israel and the Providence of God

Last time, we talked about the meaning of 1,260 days which was explained by Reverend Lee Young-soo. This time we will examine God's providence in the history of Israel.

The history of Israel, where God showed His providence, is as follows: Abraham - Isaac - Jacob - 400-year slavery in Egypt - Exodus - Canaan war. 
This is the plan that God told Abraham. (Genesis 15:13-16)

God called Abraham for two purposes. The first was to punish the Canaanites due to their sins through his descendants, and the second was to send Jesus among his descendants. 
As mentioned earlier, Abraham represents God, Isaac represents Jesus, and Jacob represents the second olive tree.
God made Israel slaves in Egypt, which shows humanity is the Devil's servant. (Genesis 15:13, Galatians 4:8)
The 4 generations or 400 years in Egypt were the periods in which God's army was made for the Canaan War, symbolizing the 4,000 years of God’s work from the time of Abraham to this time. 

Israel, who fought the Canaan war, was God's army. 
They are the symbol of the heavenly army to fight the Devil in the future.
Thus, Canaan, who fought against Israel, symbolizes the Devil's army to fight the army of heaven in the future.
God asked for the Canaan war because of the sins of the Canaanites. (Genesis 15:16 NIV, Leviticus 18:24-25 HCSB)
So the Canaan War is a symbol of the battle of Armageddon destroying the Devil in the future. (Revelation 16:13-16 NIV)

Moses, who led out the army of God from Egypt, represents the olive tree charging the end-time harvest mission. 
God punished Egypt through Moses with plagues which are the symbol of the calamities that God will bring upon the world through the olive trees. (Revelation 11:6)
When this disaster is over, Jesus will return and take the chosen ones. (Matthew 24:30-31)
This was symbolized by the exodus in Moses' time where there was death and wailing in every house in Egypt. (Exodus 12:30)

Moses was also scheduled to wage war in Canaan, but Joshua did this instead of Moses because of the people's disobedience. 
Moses was the symbol of the olive trees who will fight the beast for 42 months. 
The Israelites who fought the Canaan War symbolize the 144,000 heavenly armies who will fight the Devil in the future.

Therefore, the mission of the second olive tree succeeding God and Jesus is critical. 
He must complete the heavenly army on earth, and after 1,000 years, he must wage war against the beast. 
All of this was set by God 4,000 years ago. The 700 years of Israel's history from Abraham to the Canaan War was implemented by God to show this plan.

This time, we learned about God's Providence through the history of Israel. Next time we will talk about the end days.


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