[God's Providence] 22. How do you know who the olive tree is?

22. How do you know who the olive tree is?

Last time, I mentioned that the second of the two olive trees is the harvester. This time we will learn how to recognize who the olive tree is.

I told you that two olive trees are the servants of God in the end time.
As mentioned earlier, only two olive trees are foretold among God's servants.
This shows how important their mission is.

Jesus was prophesied as the Messiah in the Old Testament, but when he appeared, the chief priests and scribes did not recognize him as the Messiah.
Today, there are more people who do not believe than people who do believe and follow Jesus.
Realizing and following the truth is not easy.
But after God's plan is completed, judgment awaits.
Therefore, understanding God's will and obeying Him is the way to be blessed in the future spirit world.

However, there are so many false prophets in the world.
So, how do we know who the true servant of God is?
It can only be discerned through the word of the Bible.
But the essence of the Bible is kept as a secret, and we cannot know it until God chooses to teach us the truth.

As I have said, God's ultimate goal is to catch the Devil and throw it into the lake of fire. (Revelation 20:10)
To catch the Devil, God has to wage war against the Devil, so he needs an army.
Throughout the 6,000-year history of mankind, God has been making heavenly soldiers.
Jesus was sacrificed 2,000 years ago to build that army, and it is God's will to set up two olive trees in the end time to complete the army.

The story so far has not been known by Christians, and it's a secret that no one would know unless they are the one who had to do it.
All of this has been revealed because olive trees have appeared for the final harvest.
How can we know who are the olive trees?
It can be known by looking at what the olive trees should do.

The two olive trees are to prophesy 1,260 days. (Revelation 11:3-4 KJV)
So far theologians have interpreted this as the two olive trees' prophesying for 1,260 days.
So, many Bible versions have translated this as "they will prophesy for 1,260 days“. (Revelation 11:3-4 NIV)
But in the original Greek Bible, ‘1,260 days’ is the object so “They will prophesy 1,260 days.”
In other words, the two olive trees will prophesy over what will happen in the 1,260 days.

But when will this 1,260-day period happen?
This is going to happen after the next millennium.
Thus, the olive trees will not prophesy for 1,260 days but foretell what will happen during the 1,260 days.
We will discuss the contents of the prophecy in detail next time.

This time, I explained that the olive trees are those who foretell the 1,260 days and who understand the meaning of this. Next time, let's talk about when this 1,260-day period will occur.


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