[God's Providence] 15. Covenants given to the overcomer (3)

15. Covenants given to the overcomer (3)

Last time, I told you that the second death has nothing to do with the overcomer. This time, we will discuss the third covenant.

In the third covenant, Jesus promises two things to the overcomer.
These are hidden manna and the white stone. (Revelation 2:17)

Hidden manna means the living water made with the blood of Jesus.
This living water was made at Jesus' sacrifice, and Jesus said that those who eat his flesh and drink his blood will receive eternal life. (John 6:54-55)
Jesus compared this to the manna given in Moses' time. (John 6:49)
Even if you eat manna, the food for the flesh, you cannot live forever. But Jesus said that he was the bread that came down from heaven, and those who eat it live forever. (John 6:51)
The reason Jesus gives this to him who overcomes is to wash away the sins of others through him.

The white stone means Jesus Himself.
Jesus said that he was an abandoned stone but became the cornerstone of a house. (Matthew 21:42)
This house is New Jerusalem, meaning the wife of the Lamb or the soldiers of heaven. (Revelation 21:9-10)
Jesus became the foundation stone so heavenly soldiers could be made.
Therefore, on the 12 foundation stones of the New Jerusalem are the name of Jesus' 12 Apostles. (Revelation 21:14)

Jesus said that there is a new name written on the stone that only the recipient knows. (Revelation 2:17)
The name means the word of God. (Revelation 19:12-13)
The new name on Jesus is the word that was written in God's book that Jesus received from God. (Revelation 5:7)
In other words, the promise means that Jesus will let the overcomer know what he has learned from God's book.
The reason for this is that he must do God's work.
He who overcomes is the one to harvest heavenly soldiers in the end time.
Therefore, Jesus teaches him God's Providence so that he can carry this out.

This time, we learned that the hidden manna is living water and that the new name written on the white stone is the word of God. Next time, we will discuss the fourth covenant.


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