[God's Providence] 26. When is the end days?

26. When is the end days?

Last time, we learned about God's Providence in the history of Israel. This time, we will talk about the end days.

When Daniel saw a vision and did not know its meaning, he asked an angel, who told him that it would be sealed until the end. (Daniel 12:8-9)
Daniel's vision is as follows.
There was a river with two men on either side and one man over the river clothed in fine linen. (Daniel 12:5-6)
It is Jesus who wears fine linen, and the two men are the two overcomers, the two olive trees. Let me explain why.

One of the two asked about the end time to the man clothed in linen. (Daniel 12:6)
The man clothed in linen said that when the power of the saints was broken after a time, times, and half a time, the end would come. (Daniel 12:7)
The end time is something that Jesus did not know about when he was on earth. (Matthew 24:36)
However, the man in fine linen here explains what the end is.
Who is this one that explained the end time which even the Son of God did not know?
He is Jesus who received the secret book from God. (Revelation 5: 1, 7)
If he had not fulfilled his mission of carrying the cross, He would not have been able to see it even though he is the Son of God. (Revelation 5: 5)
Hence, no one can explain the end time except Jesus who received God's book.

Then, who are the two men on the left and right of the river?
They are the two olive trees.
Jesus' answer was that a time, times, and half a time must pass before the end comes, which is equal to 1,260 days as explained earlier.
It is the two olive trees that have to prophesy the 1,260 days.
Therefore, the two men on the left and right of the river are two olive trees.

This river is of the water of life made of the blood of Jesus.
Therefore, the two men on the left and right are the two overcomers who inherit the water of life. (Revelation 21: 6-7)
The end will come after the two olive trees appear and complete the harvest mission, so
this prophecy had to remain sealed until the time of the two olive trees.
But now is the time of the olive trees. The one who has learned the secret has appeared
and the meaning has been revealed. 

This time, I explained the end time of the book of Daniel. Next time, let's talk about the time and place where Jesus has set up the olive trees.


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