[God's Providence] 23. When will the 1,260 days event happen?

23. When will the 1,260 days event happen?


Last time, I explained that the olive trees are those who foretell the 1,260 days and who understand the meaning of this. This time, let's talk about when this 1,260-day period will occur.


If you count 30 days in a month, 42 months equals 1,260 days.

Forty-two months was foretold as the time that a beast receives authority from the dragon. (Revelation 13:4-5)

Then the beast fights against the saints to win.

At this time, the saints are the heavenly soldiers who have been recorded in the Lamb's book of life. (Revelation 13:6-8)

In this war, the olive trees are killed by the beast. (Revelation 11:7)

This war begins after the olive trees have finished their prophecy and the beast who has climbed out from the Abyss is given 42 months of power.


When will the beast come up from the Abyss?

It will be 1,000 years after the Devil has been trapped in the Abyss. (Revelation 20:1-3)

The millennium is a period of training for the heavenly army. 

In the meantime, God will imprison the Devil and his angels in the Abyss to prevent them from wielding their deception.

We will discuss this in more detail later.


1,000 years later, when the Devil is released from the Abyss, he will give the beast 42 months of authority to fight the Saints.

In this fight, the representative of God's army is the olive trees.

That is why the olive trees lead the saints to fight the beast, and in this battle, the saints will be defeated and the olive trees will be killed.

But God will resurrect the dead olive trees and bring them back to heaven. (Revelation 11:11-12)

Later, in the battle of Armageddon, God will completely destroy the Devil.


There is another period equal to 1,260 days, "a time, times and half a time."

In the book of Revelation, a woman who bore a son flees into the wilderness and is reared for 1,260 days, which is also a time, times and half a time. (Revelation 12:6, 14)

Since 1,260 days is three and a half years, one time is one year, and the "times" must be two years.


It is only President Lee Young-soo of the Holy Eden Church who revealed that 1,260 days is the period of the war between the heavenly army and the beast after 1,000 years.

Reverend Lee explained the meaning of a time, times and half a time in his first sermon book published in 1974.

This shows that he is the olive tree prophesied in the Bible.


This time, it was given that 1,260 days will happen 1,000 years after the Devil is locked up in Abyss, which was given by Reverend Lee Young-soo. Next time, let's talk about what 1,260 days mean.


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