[God's Providence] 29. How did Lee Young-soo become the overcomer?

29. How did Lee Young-soo become the overcomer?

Last time, I mentioned that the first olive tree was Elder Park Tae-sun who established the Jeondokwan, the House of Evangelism. This time, let's talk about the second olive tree.

The second olive tree is the president Lee Young-soo, who established the Holy Eden Church.
Jesus informed him that he anointed him together with the first olive tree in 1950.
Afterward, Jesus threw him into difficult circumstances and watched over a long period to see whether his attitude to serve Jesus would be changed.
And on May 5, 1973, Jesus came to him and admitted he had overcome.
So he became the overcomer prophesied in Revelation 2 and 3.

Elder Park's ministry began to crumble from the late 1960s.
So in 1970, Jesus took Lee Young-soo before God and introduced him, which is the fifth covenant to the overcomer. (Revelation 3:5)
Lee received the mission of the olive tree directly from God.
God taught Lee His providence the three years after 1970, which is the 3rd covenant to the overcomer. (Revelation 2:17)
Then God commanded him to restore the fallen olive tree work.
He established the Holy Eden Church in 1973 according to God's word, and he has been conveying the providence of God until now.

As foretold in the Bible, he is the one to harvest in the end time. (Revelation 14:14)
As he harvests, an angel watches as the grain ripens in the temple. (Revelation 14:15)
Therefore, the last work of God requires a harvesting temple.
God commanded President Lee Young-soo to build the temple, and he built and dedicated it to God in 1987.
The temple is called "Algok Sungjeon," meaning the Grain Temple or the Temple of Harvest.
President Lee Young-soo has been producing grain through this temple, the army of heaven.

This time, I mentioned that the second olive tree is the President of Holy Eden Church,
Lee Young-soo. Next time, let's talk about the Armageddon war.


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