[Truth] 4. How do we know God exists?

4. How do we know God exists?

Many people have met God, and among them are those who have written the word of God. The Bible is a collection of the remnants of those records.

4.1. Circular logic?
Some claim that it is circular logic to prove God's existence with the Bible. This circular logic being that because there is a God, the word of God is written in the Bible, and because there is the story of God in the Bible, God exists. But this is the argument of people who do not know what the Bible is.
If the Bible was one book written by one man, then the argument would make sense.
But the Bible is a collection of materials written by at least 40 people over 1,500 years.
The Bible contains many prophecies and demonstrates how the prophecies have been fulfilled in other times. That would be impossible without the existence of God.

4.2. Biblical credibility
There have been many who have questioned the credibility of the Bible, with claims that the historical events recorded in the Bible have no scientific evidence. But most of these claims have disappeared due to archaeological discoveries. If you would like to know more about this, you can find plenty of resources on YouTube by searching: "Historical Evidence of the Bible".
There are many ancient artifacts that have not yet been discovered; therefore, the accuracy of the Bible will be revealed more in the future.
Discovering outward testimonies of the Bible will undoubtedly help to increase its credibility, but we can also trust in the Bible's internal evidence. This book focuses on the latter.

4.3. Does God exist?
But regardless of whether the Bible records are accurate, can you believe that God exists?
If someone claims to have met God on Earth, they cannot be certain that it was Him, for the Bible says that Satan will hide this true form, presenting himself as a bright angel (2 Corinthians 11:14). There are countless such claims throughout the world, but these people may not realise they were receiving a false spirit professing to be God, the Second Advent Jesus Christ, or the prophet of God.
Therefore, it is vital to know God's will through the Bible.
The Bible says that God created man. Indeed, no one witnessed God's creation, but we can believe that God is alive and our Creator through the story of Jesus.

4.4. Historical Jesus
First, let us consider the question of whether Jesus existed.
Many people in the past have claimed that Jesus is a fictional character and that the story of Jesus was constructed through an amalgamation of ancient myths. But today, no Bible scholar denies his existence even if they do not believe Jesus is the Son of God.
One of those people is Bart D. Ehrman, the author of "Misquoting Jesus". Ehrman is a scholar who has lengthy experience studying textual criticism; of the Bible, but he does not believe in God. Nevertheless, he admits that Jesus did exist at one point in history. If you search "The Historical Jesus by Bart D. Ehrman" on YouTube, you can see his claim.
There is also copious material debunking the claim that Jesus was conceptualised through a weaving of pagan myths. Search for “Jesus Myth” on YouTube to see related content.

4.5. Prophecies for Jesus in the Old Testament
Next is the question of whether Jesus is the Son of God.
There are more than 70 prophecies about Jesus in the Old Testament. Surprisingly, more than 25 of them were given by Jesus Himself. But how is this possible?
It is possible because Jesus existed before the creation of the world.
If before his birth 2,000 years ago Jesus had already been with God, He could have left prophecies about Himself in the Bible.
That may seem strange, but the Bible tells us that God's hand came to David and depicted the temple (1 Chronicle 28:19). David then conveyed the picture to Solomon, allowing him to build a temple (1 Chronicle 28:11).

4.6. Prophecy for the thirty pieces of silver
Let's look at an example of Jesus' prophesying about Himself.
I told them, "If you think it best, give me my pay; but if not, keep it." So they paid me thirty pieces of silver.(Zechariah 11:12)
A prophecy written 520 years before Jesus was born tells of Him being sold for thirty pieces of silver. The Gospels show this prophecy fulfilled.
Then one of the Twelve--the one called Judas Iscariot--went to the chief priests and asked, "What are you willing to give me if I hand him over to you?" So they counted out for him thirty silver coins. From then on Judas watched for an opportunity to hand him over. (Matthew 26:14-16)
Among the 12 disciples of Jesus, Judas offered to sell Jesus to the chief priests, who gave him thirty silver pieces.
This specific prophecy continues in Zechariah.
And the LORD said to me, "Throw it to the potter"--the handsome price at which they priced me! So I took the thirty pieces of silver and threw them into the house of the LORD to the potter. (Zechariah 11:13)
This statement is made in the Gospels.
When Judas, who had betrayed him, saw that Jesus was condemned, he was seized with remorse and returned the thirty silver coins to the chief priests and the elders. "I have sinned," he said, "for I have betrayed innocent blood." "What is that to us?" they replied. "That's your responsibility." So Judas threw the money into the temple and left. Then he went away and hanged himself. The chief priests picked up the coins and said, "It is against the law to put this into the treasury, since it is blood money." So they decided to use the money to buy the potter's field as a burial place for foreigners. That is why it has been called the Field of Blood to this day. (Matthew 27:3-8)
As prophesied in the book of Zechariah, the chief priests bought the potter's field with Jesus’ ransom to build a tomb for the stranger.
Some, who do not believe in the Bible, claim that the New Testament was manipulated based on information from the Old Testament. But the people who decided Jesus’ ransom are not the Bible writers, but the chief priests. They also decided to buy the potter's field with the money.
If the chief priests did so because they knew of the Old Testament prophecy that marks Jesus as the Messiah, it would not make sense for them to have had Him killed. So, even if the prediction is in the Old Testament, it is not based on the Gospels.
The prophecy in the book of Zechariah is in the first person. In other words, Jesus foretold Himself that He would be sold for thirty pieces of silver 520 years before He was born. Therefore, we know that Jesus was in the spirit before He was born in the flesh.

4.7. Prophecy Secrets
The important prophecies needed to accomplish God's will are hidden, so although they are in the Old Testament, we cannot discern them.
God uses secret prophecies and prophetic symbols because demons exist to hinder His work.
The truth is that the prophet who preaches does not truly understand that of which they speak.
I heard, but I did not understand. So I asked, "My lord, what will the outcome of all this be?" He replied, "Go your way, Daniel, because the words are closed up and sealed until the time of the end. (Daniel 12:8-9)
Daniel saw a vision and could not understand its meaning, so he questioned the angel about it. The angel, however, informed him that God would seal the meaning of that vision until the end times. This shows that the one capable of revealing it will appear in the last days.
In the book of Zechariah, Jesus prophesied that He would be sold for "thirty pieces of silver". Indeed, the prophecy is so specific that we cannot deny that what happened was foretold.
Besides, before Jesus was born, He left many prophecies about himself.
Among these are the following:
• Anointed (Isaiah 61: 1,Luke 4: 14-21)
• Be betrayed by a friend (Psalm 41: 9, John 13: 26-30)
• Be afflicted (Isa 50:6, Matthew 26:67, 27:30)
• Be a mockery (Psalm 22:6-8, Matthew 27:43)
• His clothes will be shared (Psalm 22:18, John 19: 23-24)
• Given gall and vinegar (Psalm 69:21, John 19:29)
• Pray for the enemy (Psalm 109: 4, Luke 23:34)
• Be the head of the church (Ps 118: 21-23, Matt 21: 42-44)
• Be the light of the Gentiles (Isaiah 49: 5-6, Luke 2: 30-32)
• To step on the winepress of God's wrath (Isaiah 63: 1-6, Revelation 19:15)


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