[God's Providence] 3. Was Adam created in the flesh?

3. Was Adam created in the flesh?

Last time, we saw how the kingdom of heaven and hell does not exist yet. This time, we will see about the first created human, Adam.

Genesis 1 tells us that God created man in His image. (Genesis 1:27)
But again, in chapter 2, God tells the story of the creation of Adam. (Genesis 2:7)
God let this man live happily in the Garden of Eden. (Genesis 2:8)

But where is the Garden of Eden?
The Garden of Eden is not in this world but in the world of God.

In the Garden of Eden, there was a tree of life. (Genesis 2:9)
But in the book of Revelation, Jesus promised to give the overcomer the fruit of the tree of life in God's paradise. (Revelation 2:7)
Therefore, Paradise is the Garden of Eden, where the tree of life is located.
It is interesting to note that there is one person who has been there, Paul the apostle.
Where he went was the third heaven. (2 Corinthians 12:2)
And the Paradise was there. (2 Corinthians 12:4)
Thus, the garden of Eden is in the third heaven which is the world of God.

Why is it the third heaven?
The first heaven is the universe we see with our eyes.
The second heaven is the Devil's world, Hades, outside the universe.
The third is the world of God outside Hades.
Therefore, if you cannot defeat the forces of the Devil, you cannot go to God's world.

Since Adam's resided in the Garden of Eden in the world of God, we can see that Adam was not created in the flesh.
Therefore, we can see that Genesis 2 is a story about the creation of the soul.
So, what does the creation of man in Genesis 1 say?
It is the story of creating a body on earth where the soul may reside.
God created bodies for humans and told them to be fruitful and multiply. (Genesis 1:28)
But they had no spirits.
God created the bodies of flesh on earth because spirits cannot reproduce.
Bodies are the homes for spirits to enter and multiply to make many spirits.
However, because of the Devil's trick, Adam sinned and was cast out of the world of God, meaning he came under the control of the Devil. (Genesis 3:24)

The Bible is prone to confusion because the story of the spirit is mixed with the story of the flesh, and it uses the terminology of the flesh.
However, when we consider the words in the New Testament together, we can better understand the circumstances in the Old Testament.

This time, we saw that Adam was created as a spirit. Next time, we will discuss why Adam was cast out.


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