[Truth] 1. What is the truth of life?

1. What is the truth of life?

Since ancient times, the eternal homework of humankind has been the questions: What is a human? How did we come to live on this earth? What happens when we die?
The Bible tells us that God created us and that when we die we will go to the world of spirits and receive the final judgment.
But many do not believe in God, instead believing that their death is their end.
Is death the end of life? Even those who claim that there is no God will surely experience divergent thoughts when confronted with their death.
If death is not the end, what happens after death? If there is a post-mortem world, what preparations should we make during our lives? The complexity of these matters cannot be ignored.
If there is a post-mortem world, but you have expressed disbelief in it and lived in disregard of it, what happens when you go to the spirit world and stand before the judge? Understanding the nature of the spirit world and knowing both what and how to prepare for it, is, above all else, an important and urgent matter.


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