Has Christianity been completed?

1. Jesus received God’s book
2. Incomplete Christianity
3. Why is the book of Revelation so difficult?
4. Who is the one who overcomes?

1. Jesus received God’s book

After Jesus took his cross and was resurrected and taken up to heaven, he received a book from God. (Revelations 5:7) The book was sealed with seven seals not to be looked into by anyone. (Revelations 5:3) Jesus could look into the book because he had accomplished his mission to take the cross. (Revelations 5:5) Therefore we can know he did not look into the book formerly. Jesus was before the Creation, and he also participated in the Creation with God. (John 17:5, 1:3) However God had secrets hidden to Jesus.
Jesus said he did not know all of God’s plan. (Matthew 24:36) Nevertheless he thought he would come again back then. (Matthew 24:34) But it’s not accomplished. Jesus has not come yet until now. That’s because God’s will was not so.
After Jesus received God’s book, he got to know all of God’s plan. Then he let it be known in the book of Revelation by John the apostle.
“The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place.” (Revelations 1:1)
The revelation of Jesus Christ was what God gave him. That means the book God gave him. The time when Jesus showed the revelations to John the apostle was about 95. In other words, before then Jesus did not let God’s will which he had got to know newly be known.

2. Incomplete Christianity

Jesus started to preach the gospel in 30 and died in 33. Before Jesus was taken up to heaven, he told his disciples to wait for the Holy Spirit. (Acts 1:4) They were filled with the Holy Spirit at Pentecost a few days later. (Acts 2:1-4) Then they spread Jesus as the son of God at the risk of their lives. In 30 years were most of the apostles martyred. It is known that Peter the apostle was martyred in 65, and Paul the apostle, 67. Christianity was formed by the preaching of the apostles. Most of the New Testament were written by Jesus’ apostles and Paul the apostle. However they preached Christianity without knowing the content of the book of Revelation.
The content of God’s book was not known to Jesus also before he had taken the cross. God gave Jesus the book in his right hand because he wanted to have him accomplish it. God had guided Jesus to take the cross, and afterwards let him know what has to be done after his crucifixion. Therefore if the content of the book of Revelation would not be accomplished, God’s will would not be completed. However the problem is that the content of the book of Revelation is difficult to understand.

3. Why is the book of Revelation so difficult?

Why did Jesus reveal the content so difficult to be understood? We can know the reason when we get to know God’s ultimate aim. God’s aim is to capture the Devil. (Revelations 20:10) The problem is the Devil also looks at the Bible. Therefore Jesus could not let the content of the book of Revelation be known to anyone. Then is it to be hidden forever? If so, there was no reason Jesus let it be revealed. There will be the time to accomplish the content of Revelations, then someone will come out to achieve it. Then Jesus will let him know the secret and accomplish it. Who is he?
In Revelations were the two olive trees prophesied as Jesus’ witnesses. (Revelations 11:3-4) They were also prophesied in the Old Testament. (Zechariah 4:11-14) However Jesus did not know of it. If not so, he would not have said that he would come again while his disciples would be alive. (Matthew 16:28) That’s because the olive trees were decided by God to come out after 2,000 years from the time of Jesus. Jesus got to know it after he had received God’s book. Therefore Jesus showed it to his disciple, John, and let him write it.

4. Who is the one who overcomes?

Jesus wanted the one who overcomes to come out among the believers. (Revelations 2:7, 11: 17, 26-29, 3:5-6, 12-13, 21-22) The reason Jesus wanted him to come out is to use him as olive tree. The olive trees are two, so the overcomers will be two. We can know this from the promise to the one who overcomes. God promised the inheritance of water of life to the oen who overcomes. (Revelations 21:6-7) And also there are many prophecies about the water of life in the Old Testament. One of them is the prophecy which says living water will flow from Jerusalem, half to the eastern sea and half to the western sea. (Zechariah 14:7-8) Therefore God’s work which will be done with living water will be twice, so those who have to do the work are two.
The necessity of olive tree is referred to the article below.
The explanations for the overcomer and olive tree are referred to the article below.
The explanations how God’s will will be come true are referred to the article below.

What God Wants

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