Inheritance of living water

In the Bible, four people has been prophesied. Two of them are John the baptist and Jesus. And other two of them are two olive trees. (Zechariah 4:11-14, Revelations 11:3-5)
John the baptist had the mission to baptize Jesus and introduce him to people. Jesus took the cross and sacrificed to create the fountain of living water to cleanse us from sin. (Zechariah 13:1) Two olive trees have the mission to cleanse people from sin to make them God’s army. The mission of the first olive tree is to sow the seed so gather people. The mission of the second olive tree is to teach them to be soldiers of heaven. This is God’s plan of 4,000 years from Abraham to the last time.
The first olive tree is Park Tae-sun, who was born in 1919, and received his mission in 1951, and started his church Jeondokwan in 1955, and passed away in 1990. The second olive tree is Lee Young-soo, who was born in 1942, received his mission in 1970, and started his church, Holy Eden Church, in 1973 and now he is doing God’s work.
In this writing, these will be explained why the two olive trees need and who they are.
1. Why did Jesus take the cross?
2. How do we drink the living water?
3. Why do Christians not know what the living water is?
4. Why does God want to give living water?
5. Was Jesus resurrected in fleshly body?
6. What is resurrection?
7. Did Jesus know all of God’s plan when he was in this world?
8. Is Jesus the last one prophesied?
9. When will Jesus come again?
10. Who is he fulfilling the number?
11. Who is the one who will have the authority over nations?
12. Who are the two witnesses of Jesus?
13. Who is the one clothed in linen above the waters of the river?
14. Who are the two on both sides of the river?
15. What is the mission of the olive trees?
16. What is the authority for the second olive tree?
17. God’s Providence hidden 4000 years
18. The four prophesied
19. Who is the second olive tree?
20. What is he who overcomes?

1. Why did Jesus take the cross?

Jesus came to redeem us from sin. Jesus was sacrificed on the cross so our sin got to be washed away. (Isaiah 53:5) By the way, how our sin is to be washed away? Jesus said that whoever eats his flesh and drinks his blood had eternal life. (John 6:54) Due to sin, Adam was expelled and couldn’t have eternal life, so Jesus’ word to give eternal life is related to wash away sin. For Jesus to say to eat his flesh and drink his blood means his sacrifice on the cross. As the result, the fountain to wash sin away was opened. (Zechariah 13:1, 12:10) Therefore Jesus said streams of living water would flow from within believers in him. (John 7:38)

2. How do we drink the living water?

The living water which was made from the sacrifice of God’s son is not to be given so easy to drink. God said in Revelations, he would give “the overcomer” the spring of the water of life as his inheritance to give it for the thirsty to drink. (Revelations 21:6-7) Therefore in order to drink the living water, “the overcomer” must come out first.
The reason God sought for “the overcomer” is to use him as “olive tree.” That’s because the prophesied one to complete God’s will in this world is olive tree. The prophesied figures in the Bible are only John the Baptist and Jesus and two olive trees. John the Baptist and Jesus came out 2,000 years later from Abraham, and 2,000 years later from that time came out two olive trees. Because the two olive trees who are to give the living water had not come out during 2,000 years, Christians had not been knowing what is the living water.

3. Why do Christians not know what the living water is?

Those who had preached Christianity were 12 apostles of Jesus and Paul the apostle. Most of them were martyred after preaching during 30 years after Jesus’ resurrection and ascending. 30 years later, John the apostle received revelations from Jesus and wrote the book of Revelation.
Jesus promised to give living water before he had been died. (John 4:10, 7:38) Living water is mentioned just in John and Revelations in the New Testament. That’s because John wrote the book of Gospel after the book of Revelations. Other apostles did not mention about living water when they preached Christianity. That’s because nobody had ever received living water. Then the promise of living water came on again in Revelations. Thus we can know living water was not given until 95 years in which Revelations was written.
Living water is a very precious thing which was created from the sacrifice of son of God. God had determined already to give it through olive trees. Therefore Zechariah the prophet prophesied two olive trees would deliver golden oil (living water) to a solid gold lampstand (churches). (Zechariah 4:12) In Revelations, two olive trees will turn the waters into blood, which means they will have the mission to deliver Jesus’ blood. (Revelations 11:6)

4. Why does God want to give living water?

Living water is the water of fountain to cleanse us from sin. (Zechariah 13:1) The reason for God to cleanse us from sin is to get us to escape from the Devil.
After Adam’s sin, humanity has been being ruled by the Devil, which is called the first death. To escape from the Devil due to Jesus’ blood is called the first resurrection. (Revelations 20:5)
Jesus got the qualification to see the book in God’s right hand for the contribution to purchasing people with his blood for God. (Revelations 5:9) The purchased with Jesus’ blood, that is those who take part in the first resurrection, are soldiers of heaven who will fight against the devils in the future.
Before the appearance of olive trees, Jesus took those who were qualified as soldier of heaven among the martyrs to God’s world and cleansed them from their sin with the living water. After the appearance of olive trees, Jesus has been cleansing people from sin with the living water through olive trees to make them qualified as soldiers of heaven, and if the work will be completed, he will come again and take them. (Matthew 24:31)
Then what was happened to those who were not qualified as soldier of heaven among those who believed in Jesus before olive trees? They were taken to the world of the Devil, Hades, and have been waiting and after the destruction of the Devil they will be come out there and judged and saved. (Revelation 20:13-15)

5. Was Jesus resurrected in fleshly body?

Some Christians say Jesus was resurrected in fleshly body. The reason is Jesus showed his hands and his feet and ate a piece of fish. (Luke 24:39-43) Thomas said that unless he saw the nail marks in his hands and put his finger where the nails were, and put his hand into his side, he would not believe it, so Jesus let him do that. (John 20:25-27) However Jesus did so not because he had a fleshly body but because he worried his disciples would not believe his resurrection. Resurrected Jesus had the power to do so.
Mary who saw first resurrected Jesus did not realize that it was Jesus. (John 20:14) That’s because his resurrected figure was different from that he had before he died. The figure of resurrected Jesus is that he had before he was born in this world. And two disciples who went to Emmaus also did not recognize him, and when Jesus changed his figure they recognized him but Jesus disappeared. (Luke 24:13-31) Cases like these shows he was not resurrected with a fleshly body. Jesus ascended before their eyes. (Acts 1:9) This can not be happened if he had a fleshly body. Jesus now is with God in a spiritual world. This also can not be happened if he had a fleshly body.

6. What is resurrection?

If Jesus did not resurrect in fleshly body, what is resurrection?
Jesus said the flesh counted for nothing. (John 6:63) Paul the apostle also said about resurrection that it is raised a spiritual body. (1 Corinthians 15:44) Resurrection means escaping from death. Then what is death?
God says the death of body is not death but sleeping. The reason is to show that the dead will be awakened later and judged. Death in the Bible means to be abandoned by God. There are two deaths. The first death is that God expelled Adam due to his sin. As the result, Adam was dragged by the Devil, and humanity as his descendants also are ruled by the Devil now. (Luke 4:5-7) Therefore when man dies, devils take him to their world, Hades. So it is said that Hades are following behind Death. (Revelations 6:8) Because of that, those who will be judged will come out from Hades. (Revelations 20:13)
Escaping from the ruling of the Devil is called the first resurrection. (Revelations 20:5) Jesus became the first fruit and opened the way to go to God. (John 14:6) Those who take part in the first resurrection are prophets, martyrs and others who are qualified as the soldier of heaven like the martyrs. (Revelations 20:4-5) They will become soldiers of heaven and make war against devils. (Revelations 19:19, 20:9)
After they will destroy devils, let all spirits who have been dragged by devils come out, which is the second resurrection. They will be judged and go into the kingdom of heaven or the lake of fire. At that time those who will be given the power to judge are the soldiers of heaven. (Revelations 20:4) Those who will be saved from the judgment will be people of the kingdom of heaven, and the abandoned will be thrown into the lake of fire, which is the second death. (Revelations 20:13-15) The soldiers of heaven will reign their people for ever and ever. (Revelations 22:5)

7. Did Jesus know all of God’s plan when he was in this world?

Jesus said only his Father knew the day on which he would come again. (Matthew 24:36) Then he ascended and received the book sealed with seven seals from God. (Revelations 5:7)
It’s clear he did not look at the book before. That’s because he got qualified to look at the book because he had taken the cross and won. (Revelations 5:5) Jesus got to know God’s will after he looked at the book.
Then what he let his disciples to know which he had gotten to know is the book of Revelation. (Revelations 1:1) Thus the contents in Revelations were not known to his apostles before. Peter the apostle and Paul the apostle were martyred in 60s and John the apostle wrote the book of Revelation in 95 or so. Therefore apostles preached Christianity without knowing the core of God’s plan.
What is that Jesus knew newly? That is there are two servants planed who will complete God’s will in this world. They are two olive trees. Thus Jesus promised to let them be his witnesses and give them power. (Revelations 11:3-4) In fact, two olive trees were already prophesied 2,500 years ago through Zechariah the prophet. (Zechariah 4:12-14) However Jesus did not know about the mission of them when he was in this world. Therefore he promised he would come again at that time. (Matthew 16:28, 24:34) But after he looked at God’s book, he knew God’s will was not so, and he told he would let two olive trees be his witnesses and complete the work in this world through John the apostle.

8. Is Jesus the last one prophesied?

Peter the apostle witnessed there was no other name except Jesus given to men by which we must be saved. (Acts 4:12) But he was martyred without knowing God’s will which Jesus got to know after he had received God’s book.
In Old Testament time God already had prophesied the one who has to work coming after Jesus. In the book of Daniel, “one like a son of man” and “the Ancient of Days” and “the Most High” appear. (Daniel 7:13, 22) “The Most High” indicates Jehovah God. “The Ancient of Days” indicates Jesus. Jesus has been before the creation of the world and he created it with Jehovah God together. (John 17:5, 1:3) Therefore we can know the “one like a son of man” was predetermined to work following Jesus. “Son of man” is the expression for Jesus. However “one like a son of man” is not Jesus. He is the one who will be led into Jesus and given an everlasting authority over the nations. (Daniel 7:13-14)
He is the one who is expressed as “the overcomer” and “the second olive tree” in Revelations. Jesus promised to the overcomer if he will complete his mission he will be given authority over the nations. (Revelations 2:26) He is just the “one like a son of man” prophesied in Daniel.
“One like a son of man” is also prophesied in Revelations and his mission is to harvest the earth and give it to God. (Revelations 14:14-16) Here the harvest means those who are qualified to be the soldiers of heaven, and the one who should produce them and complete the army of heaven is just the “one like a son of man” and “the second olive tree”.

9. When will Jesus come again?

Jesus said to his disciples that he would come again while some of them were alive. (Matthew 16:28, 24:34) However it has passed about 2,000 years after Jesus ascended. When will Jesus come again?
After Jesus ascended and received a book sealed with seven seals from God, he knew God’s will with opening the seals. When Jesus opened the fifth seal, martyrs of the New and Old Testament time appeared. (Revelations 6:9) They asked Jesus when he would judge and avenge their blood. (Revelations 6:10) Jesus told them that he needed more martyrs like them. (Revelations 6:11)
After the number will be fulfilled, Jesus will be able to destroy the enemies, devils, and avenge their blood. Jesus will be able to come again after the number will be fulfilled. The one who has the mission to complete the number in this world is the second olive tree who were prophesied as “one like a son of man”. (Daniel 7:12, Revelations 14:14) The aim Jesus will come again is to take his elect. (Matthew 24:31)

10. Who is he fulfilling the number?

In Revelations, the one to harvest is prophesied. (Revelations 14:14-16) He is the “one like a son of man” sitting on the cloud with a crown of gold in his head and a sharp sickle in his hand. One angel came out of the temple and called to him to reap because the harvest of the earth is ripe, and the “one like a son of man” swung his sickle over the earth, and the earth was harvested. If the army of heaven will be ready, the “one like a son of man” will harvest them, and as the result the number of soldiers will be fulfilled and Jesus will come and take them. Then who is the one like a son of man?
Another prophecy for the same being is also in Daniel. In a vision, Daniel saw, “one like a son of man” came with the clouds of heaven and led to “the Ancient of Days” and was given everlasting authority over nations. (Daniel 7:13-14) Christians may well know “son of man” indicates Jesus. Thus theologians usually interpret “the one like a son of man” as Jesus and “the Ancient of Days” as Jehovah. But “the one like a son of man” is not Jesus, but “the Ancient of Days” is.
In verse 22 it says, “until the Ancient of Days came and pronounced judgment in favor of the saints of the Most High, and the time came when they possessed the kingdom.” Here the saints are the 144,000 and “the Most High” is Jehovah. “The Ancient of Days” who gives the authority of judgment to the saints is Jesus. The authority of judgment was given to Jesus by God (John 5:22). Therefore the being who can give the authority of judgment to saints is Jesus. Also in Revelations the authority to judge is given to martyrs, that is the saints (20:4). Jesus had been before the world began and had had glory with God. (John 17:4-5)
“The Ancient of Days” is Jesus and “one like a son of man” is led to “the Ancient of Days”, thus we can know “the one like son of man” is not Jesus. Then everlasting dominion and authority over nations are given to him, so he is not an ordinary person. The reason to give him the authority is he is the one having the mission to harvest, that is producing soldiers of Heaven. Who is he?

11. Who is the one who will have the authority over nations?

God promised his son, Jesus, the authority over nations. (Psalm 2:7-9) Jesus also promised the same promise to the overcomer. (Revelations 2:26-27) He is the “one like a son of man” in Daniel and Revelations. Jesus promised if the overcomer will complete his mission to produce the army of heaven, he would be given the authority over nations.
Even Jesus did not know of him before receiving God’s book, and after looking at the book he promised to let him be his witness. (Revelations 11:3-4) Jesus’ witnesses are two olive trees. The first olive tree has to do the work to sow the seed, and the second one, to harvest. Therefore the second olive tree is the “one like a man”.

12. Who are the two witnesses of Jesus?

Jesus promised he would let two olive trees be his witnesses. (Revelations 11:3-4) And he would give them power and they would prophesy 1,260 days. (Revelations 11:3)
Many people say 1,260 days is the period during which olive trees will prophesy. However it is the objective in the original Greek Bible. Therefore they prophesy “1,260 days”. In other word, they will explain what is 1,260 days and what will happen at that time.
One month is 30 days so 1,260 days is 42 months and also three and a half years. 42 months is the period during which the beast will have authority. (Revelations 13:5) If the army of heaven will be completed by olive trees, Jesus will come and take them, and afterwards devils will be locked up in the Abyss during 1,000 years. (Revelations 20:1-3) After the 1,000 years, devils will be released, and at that time the dragon will give the beast the authority of 42 months. (Revelations 13:4) After the 1,000 years, the beast who will come up from the Abyss will attack olive trees and kill them. (Revelations 11:7) Therefore 42 months, 1,260 days, is the event which will come true after 1,000 years from now.
This is the big secret to achieve God’s will, so it has been hidden until now. Because two olive trees had appeared, these things are now known to the world. Who has explained 1,260 days like this is only Lee Young-soo of Holy Eden Church. He is the second olive tree who has to do the work so he got to know these things. After the first olive tree, Elder Park Tae-sun, who started his church in 1955, Lee has been working from 1973 in Holy Eden Church.

13. Who is the one clothed in linen above the waters of the river?

In Daniel, “the one clothed in linen who was above the waters of the river” and “two people on both sides of the river” were prophesied. (Daniel 12:5-6) One of the two asked the one clothed in linen when those things would be fulfilled. (Daniel 12:6) Then the one clothed in linen told him swearing by God that it would be for a time, times and half a time and the power of the holy people should be broken before all these things would be completed. (Daniel 12:7)
He clothed in linen is Jesus.   Even Jesus did not know when would be the last time when he was in this world. (Matthew 24:36) So he said he would come again at that time. (Matthew 24:34) However after looking at God’ book, he got to know he could come back after olive trees would come out and complete God’s work in the world. Therefore he let John write the book of Revelation and prophesied about olive trees. (Revelations 11:4)
In Revelations, “a time, times and half a time” is the period during which a woman will flee into the desert and which is also said to be same to 42 months. (Revelations 12:6, 14) During the period, the olive trees will be killed, however not them only, but the saints, the army of heaven as the wife of the Lamb, who will go out to fight against the beast will be defeated. (Revelations 11:7, 13:7-8) There is no one who got to know it except Jesus who had received God’s book. Therefore we can know the one clothed in linen in Daniel is Jesus who had crucified and received God’s book.

14. Who are the two on both sides of the river?

The two on both sides of the river are two olive trees as the witnesses of Jesus. (Revelations 11:3-4) The reason is that one of them received the answer about the last time from Jesus, which is that it will be for a time, times and half a time. (Daniel 12:7) Those who will prophesy a time, times and half a time, 1,260 days, are olive trees. Thus we can know those on both sides of the river are two olive trees.
However he who asked was one of the two. (Daniel 12:6) Therefore we can know the one who will get to know 1,260 days is the second olive tree between two olive trees. The first olive tree came out in 1951 and poured out grace through the Spirit and gathered people and passed away in 1990. The second olive tree is working with preaching God’s Providence and doing the mission to produce those qualified for God’s will. He is Lee Young-soo of Holy Eden Church.
The river of which Jesus is above the waters is the river of the water of life which was created with Jesus’ sacrifice. (Daniel 12:7, Zechariah 12:10, 13:1, Revelations 22:1) Two people on both sides of the river are two overcomers who inherit the living water to cleanse the believers from sin, that is two olive trees who turn the waters into blood. (Revelations 21:3-4, 11:6)

15. What is the mission of the olive trees?

The mission of the second olive tree is to produce soldiers of heaven so complete the army of God. Therefore Jesus get him to know the name of the new Jerusalem, that is the soldiers of heaven. (Revelations 3:12) The new Jerusalem symbolizes the wife of the Lamb, that is the soldiers of heaven. (Revelations 21:9-10) The wife of the Lamb receives fine linen, which stands for the righteous acts of the saints, and those dressed in fine linen will go out to the war against devils. (Revelations 19:7-8, 14) The second olive tree works with the angel to put a seal on the foreheads of the saints who are qualified to be soldiers of heaven. (Revelations 7:3) And after grain will be ripe, he will harvest with a sickle and give it to God. (Revelations 14:16)

16. What is the authority for the second olive tree?

The second olive tree will receive the authority over the nations after he will have done his mission. (Revelations 2:26) This was given to Jesus, God’s son, by God. (Relations 2:27, Psalm 2:7-9) Jesus promised the same authority to the overcomer, olive tree. (Revelations 2:26-27)
The overcomer will sit with Jesus on Jesus’ throne. (Revelations 3:21) Jesus also sit with God on God’s throne after completing his mission to take the cross. That means the authority over God’s world. As the result, God let Jesus sit at his right hand. (Psalm 110:1) Like this, Jesus also will give the second olive tree the authority over God’s world.

17. God’s Providence hidden 4000 years

God’s ultimate aim is to capture Satan, the Devil, the origin of all evils, and throw him into the lake of fire. (Revelations 20:10) God needs army for it. God’s army who will go out to fight against devils are saints of God. (Revelations 20:9) They are called as the wife of the Lamb, and they will follow Jesus to fight against devils in fine linen. (Revelations 19:7-8, 14) God has been working with humanity 6000 years to make this army.
After God threw Adam out, no one could go back to God. That’s due to Adam’s sin which is inherited from parents. God considered Jesus’ sacrifice for the method to eliminate this sin. As the reward, God promised Jesus to sit at his right hand for the authority over heaven. (Psalm 110:1) Then God chose Abraham 4000 years ago to create a nation to send Jesus.
With Jesus’ sacrifice, God created the fountain of the water of life to cleanse sin. (Zechariah 13:1) God already predetermined two olive trees who will inherit the fountain to cleanse people from sin. The golden oil poured out from the two olive trees is the living water made from Jesus’ blood. (Zechariah 4:12) The one who has to complete God’s army with this living water is the second olive tree.
However even Jesus the son of God did not know of it. Therefore Jesus thought he would come back 2000 years ago, he said to his disciples he would come again during some of them would be alive. (Matthew 16:28, 24:34)
Jesus resurrected and ascended to God and received the scroll in God’s hand. (Revelations 5:7) God’s plan was in it. The reason God sent it to Jesus is to achieve it. Jesus looked at it and knew that two olive trees were predetermined to complete God’s army with the living water, the result of his sacrifice. Thus Jesus revealed John the apostle to erect them and two lampstands as his two witnesses. (Revelations 11:3-4) Lampstand means church, so two lampstands means people following two olive trees. (refer to Revelations 1:20)

18. The four prophesied

In the Bible, four people has been prophesied. Two of them are John the baptist and Jesus. And other two of them are two olive trees. (Zechariah 4:11-14, Revelations 11:3-5)
John the baptist had the mission to baptize Jesus and introduce him to people. Jesus took the cross and sacrificed to create the fountain of living water to cleanse us from sin. (Zechariah 13:1)
Two olive trees have the mission to cleanse people from sin to make them God’s army. The mission of the first olive tree is to sow the seed so gather people. The mission of the second olive tree is to teach them to be soldiers of heaven. This is God’s plan of 4,000 years from Abraham to the last time.
The first olive tree is Park Tae-sun, who was born in 1919, and received his mission in 1951, and started his church Jeondokwan in 1955, and passed away in 1990. The second olive tree is Lee Young-soo, who was born in 1942, received his mission in 1970, and started his church, Holy Eden Church, in 1973 and now he is doing God’s work.

19. Who is the second olive tree?

Lee Young-soo the leader of Holy Eden Church was born in 1942, and got to know Jesus at 16 years old. He went to God’s world with Jesus and met God in 1970. God gave him his mission as the second olive tree.
He started his church, Holy Eden Church, by God’s order in 1973. God ordered him also to build a temple to harvest in 1985, and he built a temple in 1987 and dedicated it to God. This is “Algoksungjeon”. (Algok means grain and sungjeon means temple in Korean) This is the temple of which an angel come out and call out to the second olive tree sitting on the cloud to harvest. (Revelations 14:15)
He has been creating Algoksungjeon Complex during for decades according to God’s revelations. Now he is making a model of the new Jerusalem which he had seen in God’s world, which is called “Culture Center” and will be used for large concert hall. He is working to produce God’ army with teaching them, and after he will complete his mission, Jesus will come to take them.

20. What is he who overcomes?

God predetermined two olive trees who will complete his will in this world after Jesus. (Zechariah 4:14) Jesus got to know it after he looked at God’s book, and he promised to erect two olive trees as his two witnesses. (Revelations 5:7, 11:3-4) Jesus wanted someone to overcome among believers in him to erect them as olive trees. Thus he promised seven things to the overcomers, which are for olive trees.
If someone the overcomer, Jesus has to take and introduce him in front of God. (Revelations 3:5) The overcomer receives hidden manna, the living water, which was made from Jesus’ flesh and blood. (Revelations 2:17, John 6:48-51) He is cleansed from sin with it and cleanses people from their sin. He also get to know a new name on a white stone. (Revelations 2:17) The stone means Jesus and the new name means God’s word. (Revelations 19:12-13) That is the mission given to the overcomer, which is to complete the new Jerusalem, that is to produce the wife of the Lamb. (Revelations 21:9-10) If he produce those who can enter the city, Jesus will let him know the names of them. (Revelations 3:12) If he will complete the mission, he will receive the authority over nations. (Revelations 2:26) And also the overcomer will rule God’s world sitting on Jesus’ throne. (Revelations 3:21)
The olive trees are two, so the overcomers are also two. The first olive tree had cleansed people from their sin with the hidden manna, and now the second olive tree is teaching them God’s Providence with the new name on the white stone. Lee Young-soo, the second olive tree, received his mission when he saw God first in 1970, which is in his book, “Visions from God”. He had been taught three years from God and Jesus, and he established Holy Eden Church in 1973 and has been delivering God’s will.

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