The Two Olive Trees in Zechariah and Revelations
The previous article of this is "When will Jesus come again?" which shows why two olive trees need.
1. What is Olive Tree?
2. The Number of God’s Soldiers
3. Joshua, the Symbol of Olive Tree
4. Zerubbabel, the Symbol of Olive Tree
5. The Work of the Two Olive Trees
6. The Inheritance of the Spring of the Water of Life
7. Promises for the Overcomer
8. Comparison between Overcomer and Olive Tree
9. How to Know Who is Olive Tree?
Lee Young-Soo, the second olive tree, was born at Seoul, Korea, in 1942 and founded Holy Eden Church in 1973 following God’ direction. He took the mission to complete God’s last will in this world which is to complete the army of God. This article is to explain biblically he is the olive tree.
When Jesus was on the earth he did not know what the olive tree is. Therefore he said to his disciples to come back during they would be alive. (Matthew 16:28, 24:34) However that was not God’s will, thus he could not come back yet in two thousand years.
Jesus went up to Heaven and received God’s book so he got to know God’s will fully. (Revelations 5:7) Thus he showed John the apostle visions to tell his followers the needs of two olive trees as his witnesses. (Revelations 11:3-4)
To judge Lee Young-soo is olive tree, first we should know what olive tree is. He is also the overcomer in the book of Revelation. Jesus wanted someone who overcomes to erect him as olive tree among believers. Olive trees are two, so the overcomers are also two. He gave seven promises, which are for olive trees, to the overcomers. Some of those are for all of two olive trees and some are for only the second olive tree.
Sometimes “olive tree” will be used singularly to indicate the work itself of all the two olive trees or one of the two olive trees. The reason is the overcomer is singular so it may be confusing to use plural form of “olive trees” with “overcomer” together.
In this article, I would like to explain at first what olive tree is, and next whether the overcomer are same to olive tree, and at last Lee Young-soo is the second olive tree.
1. What is Olive Tree
Zechariah the prophet saw two olive trees beside gold lampstand in his vision, but he did not know the meaning of those and asked the angel. The angel answered olive trees were the anointed to serve the Lord of all the earth. (Zechariah 4:14)
The anointed means being with the Holy Spirit and the Lord of all the earth means God. Therefore olive trees are God’s servants doing God’s work in this world with the Holy Spirit.
What Jesus said about olive tree is this:
“And I will give power to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for 1,260 days, clothed in sackcloth.” These are the two olive trees and the two lampstands that stand before the Lord of the earth. If anyone tries to harm them, fire comes from their mouths and devours their enemies. This is how anyone who wants to harm them must die. (Revelations 11:3-5)
Jesus would erect two olive trees as his two witnesses, and they are to prophesy 1,260 days. (NIV says “for 1,260 days” but there is no “for” in Greek Bible.) God’s will is to destroy the Devil. Thus God let the process in secret which the Devil could not know. Olive trees should know the secret in order to do God’s work. One of the secrets is 1,260 days.
Until now many theologians interpret 1,260 days as the period for olive trees to prophesy. But that’s not right. It is what olive trees prophesy which will happen thousand years later and there is no one but the second olive tree who can explain what the 1,260 days is. I will show you how Lee Young-soo explains 1,260 days, and that shows he is the olive tree.
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