The Providence of God

1. The history of Israel shows God's Providence.

2. God's Providence consists of 3+4=7.

3. The 3 means the history of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

4. Abraham is the symbol of God, Isaac Jesus, and Jacob the second olive tree. (John the baptist was the one who prepared the way for Jesus, and the first olive tree is the one who sows seeds for the second. Refer to The Story of the Three Figures)
5. The 4 means the four generations, 400 years, in which the twelve tribes of Israel were raised in Egypt. The 12 comes from 3 times 4. They were God's army who fought against the Canaanites, and the symbol of the spiritual 12 tribes of Israel to fight against the army of the Devil in the future.

6. Jacob gave births to the 12 sons, which was the symbol for the second olive tree to complete the spiritual 12 tribes of Israel. Each tribe consists of 12,000 and all of them are 144,000. They are God's army, the crop harvested. (Refer to The Army of Heaven)
7. The second olive tree's work is to harvest in the last days. After the harvest, Jesus will come and take them.

8. The second olive tree is the leader of Holy Eden Church, Lee Young-soo. He was taught God's Providence, and now is working for the harvest. (Refer to The Two Olive Trees in Zechariah and Revelations)
9. After the Devil's fall, the soldiers of the army of heaven will have the right to judge. After the judgment, they will be kings and rule the 144,000 kingdoms.
10. Those who will be saved in the last judgment will be people of the kingdom of heaven, and others will be thrown into the lake of fire.

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