
Introducing Lee Youngsoo as the second olive tree

This blog is to introduce Lee Young-soo the leader of Holy Eden Church as the second olive tree prophesied in the Bible.  Two olive trees are prophesied in Zechariah 4:14 and Revelations 11:4.  The articles below will show you the topic related to olive tree. Please send email to  for any question. 이 블로그의 한글 버전은 여기 있습니다. God's Providence This shows God's Providence in simple version. See more The Kingdom of Heaven and Hell This shows the explanation of the Kingdom of Heaven and Hell. See more Does God Exist? This article shows the reason of assertion God's existence.  1. Existence of Soul 2. Limit of Science 3. About the Bible 4. God’s Prophecies 5. The Reason of Difficulty to understand the Bible 6. 6,000 Years’ Work 7. The Ruler of this World 8. Soldiers of Heaven 9. The saved See more The Bible Words for Unbelievers It explains God created man and why he was expelled a...

[God's Providence] 33. Where is hell?

33. Where is hell? Last time, I told you that there is no millennial kingdom and that the millennium is a period of training for the soldiers in heaven. This time, let's talk about hell. People think that hell is under the ground. But there is actually no expression of hell being under the ground in the original Bible. Later, when the Bible was translated into other languages, the expression used in the pagan religions was adopted. The Greek word translated to hell is "Gehenna", which is a transliteration of the Hebrew word "Ge Hinnom". ( Matthew 5:22) Ge Hinnom means “the valley of Hinnom” which is southwest of Jerusalem. In the Old Testament, the Israelites burned their children there and offered them to idols. (2  Chronicles 28: 3, 33: 6) God cursed them and said that slaughter would take place there in the future. (Jeremiah 7:32) Jesus said he would punish the wicked there with fire. (Mat 5:22) What people think of as he...

[God's Providence] 32. Does the millennial kingdom come true on earth?

32. Does the millennial kingdom come true on earth? Last time, I showed you that the resurrection is not of the flesh. It is the release of the spirit from the Devil. This time, let's talk about the millennial kingdom. John  t he apostle said that martyrs would come to life and reign for 1000 years. (Revelation 20: 4) A lot of people believe that a millennial kingdom will be made on earth. But this stems from  John   the apostle's   misunderstanding. During the millennium, no one but the heavenly soldiers can live, so they have no people to rule. (Revelation 20: 5) The millennium is not a period of reigning, but a period of military training for 144000 soldiers. A song that cannot be learned other than 144000 is the strategy for the future war against the Devil. ( Revelation 14: 1-3) John  t he apostle  misunderstood 1000 years as a kingship period because of the sequence of events he saw. Revelation 20: 1-3 is a scene before...

[God's Providence] 31. Does resurrection mean that the flesh lives again?

31. Does resurrection mean that the flesh lives again? Last time I told you that the battle of Armageddon will be in the spirit world as a war against the Devil. This time, let's talk about the resurrection. There are many who misunderstand resurrection as flesh living again. They believe Jesus was resurrected in the flesh. They also misunderstand that those being resurrected in the last days will be of the flesh. However, Jesus said that lives will be saved as spirits and that the flesh is useless. (John 6:63) When Mary first saw the risen Jesus, she did not recognize him. (John 20:14) This is because the appearance of the resurrected Jesus was different from that of before he died. That’s because Jesus went back to His original spirit image. When Jesus met with two young men who were going to Emmaus after his resurrection, they too did not recognize him. (Luke 24:16) And during the meal, Jesus showed his former appearance and soon disappeared. (...

[God's Providence]30. Is the Armageddon War undergone on earth?

30. Is the Armageddon War undergone on earth? Last time, I mentioned that the second olive tree is the President of Holy Eden Church, Lee Young-soo. This time, let's talk about the Armageddon war. From now on, let me talk about some misunderstandings of the Bible. Many say the Armageddon war is a third world war that will break out in Israel. But That is a misunderstanding. Armageddon is a Greek transliteration of the Hebrew word “Har Megiddo,” or Mount Megiddo. Mount Megiddo is in northern Israel. Since there had been many wars in this place in the past, God symbolically referred to the war with the Devil in the spirit world as the war of Armageddon. The Armageddon War is a war to catch the Devil and throw it into the lake of fire. Since the devil is spirit, this war is a war between spirits. First, three evil spirits will come out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet, and they will ...

[God's Providence] 29. How did Lee Young-soo become the overcomer?

29. How did Lee Young-soo become the overcomer? Last time, I mentioned that the first olive tree was Elder Park Tae-sun who established the Jeondokwan, the House of Evangelism. This time, let's talk about the second olive tree. The second olive tree is the president Lee Young-soo, who established the Holy Eden Church. Jesus informed him that he anointed him together with the first olive tree in 1950. Afterward, Jesus threw him into difficult circumstances and watched over a long period to see whether  his attitude to serve Jesus would be changed. And on May 5, 1973, Jesus came to him and admitted he had overcome. So he became the overcomer prophesied in Revelation 2 and 3. Elder Park's ministry began to crumble from the late 1960s. So in 1970, Jesus took Lee Young-soo before God and introduced him, which is the fifth covenant to the overcomer. (Revelation 3:5) Lee received the mission of the olive tree directly from God. God taught Lee His pr...

[God's Providence] 28. Who is the first olive tree?

28. Who is the first olive tree? Last time, we saw that two olive trees have appeared at the end of God's 6000 years of work and that Jesus has set them up in the land of Korea. This time, let's talk about the first olive tree. The first of the two olive trees is Elder Park Tae-sun, who was anointed by Jesus in 1950. In 1955, he appeared before people as a messenger of fire pouring out God's grace like waterfalls. In the year, he established “Jeondokwan”, the House of Evangelism, and, in a short time, gathered one million congregation members. Sadly, he sought to complete the work of the two olive trees alone, so he was abandoned by God. And with God’s punishment, Elder Park chose to betray Him in 1980, to claim himself God, and to rename "Jeondokwan" to "Cheonbukyo," Church of the Heavenly Father. People accuse him of heresy because he betrayed God, but he did not do so from the beginning. It is indeed a pity that the first ...

[God's Providence] 27. Why did God set up the olive trees in Korea in this age?

27. Why did God set up the olive trees in Korea at this age? Last time, I explained the end time in the book of Daniel. This time, let's talk about the time and place where Jesus has set up the olive trees. In the long history of mankind, it was the time of Cain and Abel 6000 years ago that God chose men  to start his work for saving mankind in earnest. After Cain killed Abel, Cain worried that others would kill him. (Genesis 4:14) And he was driven out of the land, after which he married and had children and built a city. (Genesis 4:17) This shows that many people were already living in the days of Cain and Abel. Humanity has lived on Earth for hundreds of thousands of years, and the cognition of mankind has gradually developed through primitive age. Cain farmed, and Abel shepherded. (Genesis 4: 2) This was the Bronze Age. From the time of the first man Adam to the time of Cain, God didn't choose anyone to work with. That is why the Bible des...

[God's Providence] 26. When is the end days?

26. When is the end days? Last time, we learned about God's Providence in the history of Israel. This time, we will talk about the end days. When Daniel saw a vision and did not know its meaning, he asked an angel, who told him that it would be sealed until the end. (Daniel 12:8-9) Daniel's vision is as follows. There was a river with two men on either side and one man over the river clothed in fine linen. (Daniel 12:5-6) It is Jesus who wears fine linen, and the two men are the two overcomers, the two olive trees. Let me explain why. One of the two asked about the end time to the man clothed in linen. (Daniel 12:6) The man clothed in linen said that when the power of the saints was broken after a time, times, and half a time,  the end would come. (Daniel 12:7) The end time is something that Jesus did not know about when he was on earth. (Matthew 24:36) However, the man in fine linen here explains what the end is. Who is this one that explaine...

[God's Providence] 25. The history of Israel and the Providence of God

25. The history of Israel and the Providence of God Last time, we talked about the meaning of 1,260 days which was explained by Reverend Lee Young-soo. This time we will examine God's providence in the history of Israel. The history of Israel, where God showed His providence, is as follows: Abraham - Isaac - Jacob - 400-year slavery in Egypt - Exodus - Canaan war.  This is the plan that God told Abraham. (Genesis 15:13-16) God called Abraham for two purposes. The first was to punish the Canaanites due to their sins through his descendants, and the second was to send Jesus among his descendants.  As mentioned earlier, Abraham represents God, Isaac represents Jesus, and Jacob represents the second olive tree. God made Israel slaves in Egypt, which shows humanity is the Devil's servant. (Genesis 15:13, Galatians 4:8) The 4 generations or 400 years in Egypt were the periods in which God's army was made for the Canaan War, symbolizing the 4,000 years of God’s work from th...

[God's Providence] 24. What is the meaning of 1260 days?

24. What is the meaning of 1260 days?   Last time, it was given that 1,260 days will happen 1,000 years after the Devil is locked up in the Abyss, which was given by Reverend Lee Young-soo. This time, let's talk about what 1,260 days mean.   1,260 days is the same as 42 months, 3.5 years, and a time, times, and half a time. 3.5 years is the symbol of the number 3.5. But what does the 3.5 mean? 3.5 is between 3 and 4, where 3 is the number of heaven and 4 is the number of the earth. A representative example of the number 3 is the three patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. These spiritually represent God, Jesus, and the two olive trees. The second olive tree will sit together on the throne of Jesus in the future to rule over the kingdom of God. These three patriarchs are the beings who symbolize the three rulers of God's world in the future.   God chose Abraham because He needed people through which to send Jesus. Abraham is the s...

[God's Providence] 23. When will the 1,260 days event happen?

23. When will the 1,260 days event happen?   Last time, I explained that the olive trees are those who foretell the 1,260 days and who understand the meaning of this. This time, let's talk about when this 1,260-day period will occur.   If you count 30 days in a month, 42 months equals 1,260 days. Forty-two months was foretold as the time that a beast receives authority from the dragon. (Revelation 13:4-5) Then the beast fights against the saints to win. At this time, the saints are the heavenly soldiers who have been recorded in the Lamb's book of life. (Revelation 13:6-8) In this war, the olive trees are killed by the beast. (Revelation 11:7) This war begins after the olive trees have finished their prophecy and the beast who has climbed out from the Abyss is given 42 months of power.   When will the beast come up from the Abyss? It will be 1,000 years after the Devil has been trapped in the Abyss. (Revelation 20:1-3) The millennium...

[God's Providence] 22. How do you know who the olive tree is?

22. How do you know who the olive tree is? Last time, I mentioned that the second of the two olive trees is the harvester. This time we will learn how to recognize who the olive tree is. I told you that two olive trees are the servants of God in the end time. As mentioned earlier, only two olive trees are foretold among God's servants. This shows how importan t their mission is. Jesus was prophesied as the Messiah in the Old Testament, but when he appeared, the chief priests and scribes did not recognize him as the Messiah. Today, there are more people who do not believe than people who do believe and follow Jesus. Realizing and following the truth is not easy. But after God's plan is completed, judgment awaits. Therefore, understanding God's will and obeying Him is the way to be blessed in the future spirit world. However, there are so many false prophets in the world. So, how do we know who the true servant of God is? It can only be di...

[God's Providence] 21. Which overcomer is the one like a son of man?

21. Which overcomer is the one like a son of man? Last time, we saw there are two overcomers who have been foretold as two olive trees. This time, let me tell you which of them the one to harvest is. The one like a son of man is the one who must harvest after the grain is ripe. (Revelation 14:14-16) He is also the ruler of all nations. (Daniel 7:13-14) In the fourth covenant given to the overcomer, Jesus promises the authority over all nations to him who overcomes and completes his work. (Revelation 2:26-27) The olive trees represent two people because their missions are different. The first olive tree does the sowing. And the reaping of the fruit is the mission of the second olive tree. Therefore, two overcomers are needed, but we can see that the harvest is the work of the second one. Therefore, governing all nations is a promise for the second overcomer. It is the same as the sixth covenant of writing the name of the New Jerusalem on him. Jesus will n...

[God's Providence] 20. How many overcomers are there?

20. How many overcomers are there? Last time, we learned that the overcomer would sit together with Jesus on His throne. This time, we'll look at how many overcomers there are. You have looked at the seven promises given to the overcomer, and you may have been surprised at how amazing they are. He who overcomes will receive tremendous power over both the new heaven and the new earth. But is there more than one overcomer? There are actually two. In fact, God has appointed two olive trees as servants at the end of time. To overcome is to be qualified as an olive tree. The prophet Zechariah saw a vision of a pure gold lampstand and the two olive trees. (Zechariah 4:2-3) He asked the angel what the two olive trees were, and he heard that they were two men to serve the Lord of the world. (Zechariah 4:11-14) When Jesus was on earth, he never spoke about olive trees. But after looking into the book of God, he came to realize that two olive trees were needed...

[God's Providence] 19. Covenants given to the overcomer (7)

19. Covenants given to the overcomer (7) Last time, we learned about the three names that are recorded on the overcomer. This time we will discuss the final seventh covenant. The seventh covenant is that Jesus will sit together on His throne with the overcomer. (Revelation 3:21) Jesus also said that after he himself had overcome, he sat together on the throne of God. Jesus' overcoming means fulfilling the mission of bearing the cross. And sitting on God's throne means the authority of reigning over heaven. For the price of crucifixion, Jesus is now ruling the kingdom of God at God’s right hand. (Hebrews 12:2) In the same way, if the overcomer completes his mission, he will receive the same authority to reign over the kingdom of God like Jesus. In other words, he was promised a third position in the kingdom of God. How is this different from the authority over all nations mentioned in the fourth covenant? All nations represent the 144,000 kingdoms...

[God's Providence] 18. Covenants given to the overcomer (6)

18. Covenants given to the overcomer (6) Last time, we discussed how the overcomer will dress in white, witness his name written in the Lamb’s book of life, and be introduced before God. This time, we will discuss the sixth covenant. The sixth covenant given to the overcomer is to make him the pillar of the temple of God and to have three names written on it. (Revelation 3:12) Those three names are the name of God, the name of the New Jerusalem, and the new name of Jesus. As explained in the third covenant, the name means the word of God. (Revelation 19:12-13) Therefore, God's name is God's Word or His Providence. Jesus' new name is the word of God that Jesus has come to know newly. That is the word recorded in the book that Jesus received from God. The name of the New Jerusalem, however, is not the word of God but the list of soldiers in heaven. New Jerusalem is the wife of the Lamb. (Revelation 21:9-10) The wife of the Lamb refers to the sa...

[God's Providence] 17. Covenants given to the overcomer (5)

17. Covenants given to the overcomer (5) Last time, we looked at the authority over nations promised to the overcomer. This time, we will discuss the fifth covenant. The fifth covenant given to the overcomer is that Jesus will let him wear white clothes, write his name in the book of life, and acknowledge his name before God and his angels. (Revelation 3:5) The white clothing that the overcomer will wear is the fine linen that the heavenly soldiers will wear. (Revelation 19:14) He who overcomes is the one who must produce the heavenly soldiers, and because he also belongs to the heavenly army, he will wear fine linen as well. The book of life that records his name is called the "Lamb's Book of Life" which lists only 144,000. (Revelation 13:8, 14:1) Those who will be saved are recorded in the general book of life. (Revelation 20:15) Therefore, there are two kinds of the book of life: the general book of life, and the Lamb’s book of life. Anyone ...

[God's Providence] 16. Covenants given to the overcomer (4)

16. Covenants given to the overcomer (4) Last time, we learned that the hidden manna is living water and that the new name written on the white stone is the word of God. This time, we will discuss the fourth covenant. After the overcomer completes his mission, Jesus said he will give him authority over all nations. (Revelation 2:26-27) This, as we have seen, is the same as the authority promised to the "one like a son of man." In the book of Daniel, "the one like a son of man" was led to "the Ancient of Days" and was given authority over all nations. (Daniel 7:13-14) This is the same authority the overcomer receives from Jesus in the book of Revelation. As we have seen, since "the Ancient of Days" is Jesus, "the one like a son of man" is then the "overcomer" of Revelation. And since the mission of the “one like a son of man” is to harvest, we can know that the mission of the “overcomer” is also to harve...

[God's Providence] 15. Covenants given to the overcomer (3)

15. Covenants given to the overcomer (3) Last time, I told you that the second death has nothing to do with the overcomer. This time, we will discuss the third covenant. In the third covenant, Jesus promises two things to the overcomer. These are hidden manna and the white stone. (Revelation 2:17) Hidden manna means the living water made with the blood of Jesus. This living water was made at Jesus' sacrifice, and Jesus said that those who eat his flesh and drink his blood will receive eternal life. (John 6:54-55) Jesus compared this to the manna given in Moses' time. (John 6:49) Even if you eat manna, the food for the flesh, you cannot live forever. But Jesus said that he was the bread that came down from heaven, and those who eat it live forever. (John 6:51) The reason Jesus gives this to him who overcomes is to wash away the sins of others through him. The white stone means Jesus Himself. Jesus said that he was an abandoned stone but became the...