
Misunderstood about Bible

1. Where is the Garden of Eden?

1. Where is the Garden of Eden?

People think the Garden of Eden might be in the Middle East. But the Garden of Eden is not on the earth.
In Garden of Eden is the tree of life. (Genesis 2:9) Jesus called it the paradise of God. (Revelations 2:7) The one who had been there was Paul the apostle.
Paul the apostle had been caught up to the third heaven, and he called it paradise. (2 Corinthians 12:1-4) Why did he call it the third heaven? That’s because he met heavens three times. The first heaven is the universe we are now seeing. The second heaven is Hades, the world of the Devil, which is out of the universe. The third heaven is God’s world which can be reached by going through Hades. The Garden of Eden is in it there.
Then is Adam who had lived in the Garden of Eden a spirit? Yes. So when he was expelled due to his sin, God let cherubim, the archangels, keep him from entering into it again. (Genesis 3:24) Adam expelled by God was to be ruled by the Devil, and he had to live in this world, and as his descendants we are now living in this world. Therefore when people die, devils take them to their world, Hades. The Bible says it as Hades are following Death. (Revelations 6:8) Therefore the dead will come out from Hades in the Last Judgment and be judged. (Revelations 20:13)

2. Who made the tree of knowledge of good and evil?

People think God created the tree of knowledge of good and evil, but there is no such words in the Bible. In the garden of Eden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, but the Bible does not say those were created by God. (Genesis 2:9) Of course the tree of life was created by God. However the tree of knowledge of good and evil was not.
God worried Adam would eat from it so gave a warning not to eat from it. (Genesis 2:16-17) However the serpent said to Eve she would not die so ate it. (Genesis 3:4-5) As the result of eating from it, Adam was expelled from the Garden of Eden. Afterwards he got to be ruled by the Devil.
Then is the result of Adam’s eating it favor to whom, God or the Devil? Of course it is favor to the Devil. Then can you say God made the tree of knowledge of good and evil? It was made by the Devil.
However what does it mean to know good and evil? It doesn’t mean to know what is good and what is evil. The good means God, and the evil, the Devil. Adam, who had got to know good and evil, got to know of the Devil as he knew of God. As the result, he became the being to be influenced and work for the Devil. Thus the Bible says he who does what is sinful is of the devil. (1 John 3:8)

3. Is Satan the fallen angel?

Christians say Satan is an angel who had fallen. That’s due to the prophecies for the king of Babylon. (Isaiah 14:12) God said about the fallen angel among the prophecies against the king of Babylon. The “morning star” means Venus and it is translated to “Lucifer” in Latin Bible. People think this “Lucifer” is Satan. But he would be brought down to the grave, Hades (Sheol in Hebrew Bible), so we can know Hades had been existing before he was fallen. Who rules Hades is Satan. Therefore Lucifer who are brought down to Hades is not Satan. He who made Lucifer arrogant is Satan.
The story of the fallen angel is also in the book of Ezekiel. That is among the prophecies of the king of Tyre. (Ezekiel 28:13-16) He was created in Eden and he was an anointed cherub. He did trade and sinned so God expelled him. He who made him filled with violence and committing sins is Satan.
The related story is also in the book of Genesis. God said Adam had gotten to know good and evil like “one of us.” (Genesis 3:22) Then we can know the “one of us” had gotten to know good and evil before Adam did. As Adam knew good and evil after he ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, he also got to know good and evil after eating from it. Who had him eat it? He is Satan. Therefore it is not right to say Satan is the fallen angel.

4. Who is the devil who tempted Jesus?

After Jesus was baptized, he went to the desert and talked over what he had to do in the future with God for 40 days. Afterwards a devil came to him and tempted him three times. In one of those, he promised Jesus authority over all nations if Jesus would worship him. (Luke 4:5-7) Who is the devil?
In Revelations, the great prostitute sits on many waters. (Revelations 17:1) The waters are peoples and nations. (Revelations 17:15) Thus we can know the one who rules all of the world is the devil who is called prostitute. This prostitute is the devil who tempted Jesus who rules all of the world even now. The devil received the authority from Satan, the Devil King.
This world was created by God and Jesus, then how does this devil rule over it? The reason is that the first man, Adam, got to be ruled by the Devil after he committed sin and was expelled by God.

5. Is there the kingdom of heaven now?

There is no kingdom of heaven now. Whether who will go into the kingdom of heaven will be determined at the Last Judgment. (Revelations 20:15) And the Judgment will be given after the destruction of the Devil. (Revelations 20:10-12) The Devil is not destroyed yet, so there is no Judgment yet.
Then where do the dead go to? The places where the dead go to are two. Those who become soldiers of heaven go to God’s world. (Revelations 6:9) And those who are not so, go to Hades, the Devil’s world. It is called Hades is following behind Death. (Revelations 6:8-9)
Thus after the army of heaven will destroy the Devil, those who have been in Hades will be taken out and judged. (Revelations 20:13) Then the soldiers of heaven will have the authority to judge. (Revelations 20:4) After the judgment, those whose names are written in the book of life will go into the kingdom of heaven, and those who are not so, into the lake of fire, hell. (Revelations 20:15)
Those who will be saved in the Last Judgment will be people of the kingdom of heaven, and those who will reign them will be the 144,000, the soldiers of heaven. Therefore there will be 144,000 kingdoms of heaven. They will reign all the souls born after the creation of the world, so there will be so many nations.

6. Is Hades hell?

Hades is the world which the Devil governs, and exists now. Hell is the place in which God will punish the Devil later, and not exists yet. The Bible says Hades will be thrown into the lake of fire, hell. (Revelations 20:14) Thus Hades is not hell. Many people says hell is under the earth, but hell will be made later in God’s world.
In fact, there is no such expression “hell” in the Bible. It came from the philosophy of Plato later. In the translation of the Bible, this word was used related to Jesus’ word that the wicked will be punished forever with fire. (Matthew 18:9) After completion of the army of heaven, this fleshly world will not be exist any more. The universe will be disappeared, and all souls will live in spiritual world later. (Revelations 6:14, 21:1) The wicked will be punished eternally, and what exists eternally is not flesh but spirit. (Matthew 25:46) With flesh, we can not live forever, and at that time the fleshly world will be disappeared and not exist anymore.

7. Why did not Mary recognize resurrected Jesus?

When Mary saw first resurrected Jesus, she thought it was the gardener. (John 20:14-15)
Why did not Mary recognize him? That’s because his figure was changed. Resurrected Jesus’ figure returned to that which he had had before he had come to this world.
Jesus had been in God’s world before he came to this world. We can know it with many prophecies which he had given directly before he came to this world.
In Psalm 2, he showed he is the son of God, and received the nations as his inheritance. (5-7) It was written 3,000 years ago, that is 1,000 years before he became flesh. He promised the same authority to the one who would overcome when he would complete his mission. (Revelations 2:26-27)
Also he prophesied in Psalm 22, a band of evil men divide his garments and cast lots for his clothing. (16-18) As these words, the Roman soldiers took his clothes and cast lots to decide who would get the undergarment. (John 19:23-24)
Also he revealed his price would be 30 pieces of silver. (Zechariah 11:12-13) As this word, he was sold for 30 silver coins. (Matthew 26:15) Jesus had prophesied this 520 years before he came to this world. Above these, there are many prophecies which he had given before he came to this world.
What’s the figure of resurrected Jesus? Lee Young-soo the leader of Holy Eden Church reveals Jesus’ figure in the spiritual world with illustration. Jesus came to him in 1970 and took him to introduce him in front of God. This is the fulfillment of the promise to given to the overcomer. Jesus promised to acknowledge his name before God and his angels. (Revelations 3:5) Lee Young-soo saw Jesus first at that time and described details of it in his booklet “Visions of God.” 

8. Does resurrection happen one time?

In the Bible comes the word the first resurrection. (Revelations 20:5) Then, is there the second resurrection? Yes. To know what the second resurrection is, we should know about the first resurrection. Those who participate in the first resurrection are mostly martyrs. (Revelations 20:4) At that time there is no one but them to resurrect. (Revelations 20:5) They rise up before others so it is called the first resurrection.
In Old Testament time were the martyrs killed due to keep God’s word, and in New Testament time, due to preach Jesus is the son of God after they received the Spirit. (Revelations 6:9, 20:4) The martyrs met Jesus in heaven and asked when he would avenge their blood. (Revelations 6:10) Then Jesus answered that he needed more martyrs like them. (Revelations 6:11) The number is 144,000, and on the foreheads of the martyrs are God’s name (for those in the Old Testament time) and Jesus’ name (for those in the New Testament time.) (Revelations 14:1)
They will be soldiers of heaven and wage wars against devils. After the Devil will be destroyed, all souls who have been dragged by devils will be come out and judged. Then those who will receive the authority to judge are the martyrs, the soldiers of heaven. (Revelations 20:4)
Jesus preached it as those who have done good will rise to live, and those who have done evil will rise to be condemned. (John 5:29) This is the second resurrection. Those whose name are written in the book of life will be saved and live in the kingdom of heaven. (Revelations 20:15)

9. Will there be the millennial kingdom?

The millennial kingdom does not exist. That there will be the millennial kingdom is told by John the apostle. (Revelations 20:4) After the completion of the army of heaven, the soldiers will be resurrected earlier than others. (Revelations 20:5) This is called the first resurrection. Then the rest of the dead will not come to life until the thousand years will be ended, so there are no people to rule. Thus the thousand years is not the period for the martyrs to reign.
The book of revelation is not written according to priority. In the phrases 20:1-3 saw John the apostle the dragon was ceased and thrown into the Abyss, and later in 20:7-10 saw he the dragon was released after the thousand years, so he misunderstood the event in 20:4-6 will be in the thousand years. However this scene shows the soldiers of heaven will be given authority to judge after they will destroy the devil.
The thousand years is the period for the soldiers to prepare the war. After the thousand years will the dragon be released and captured and thrown into the lake of fire. Afterwards all the souls dragged by devils will be come out and judged. Then the people of the kingdom of heaven will be determined, and the soldiers of heaven will reign them forever. (Revelations 22:5)

10. Is the number 144,000 symbolic?

People say 144,000 is a symbolic number. They think if only 144,000 people will be saved after the creation, that’s absurd. However 144,000 is not the number of the saved.
It’s the number of the soldiers of heaven, and after they will destroy devils there will be the judgment. At that time, the judges are the 144,000, mostly martyrs. (Revelations 20:4) Therefore the judgment will be held in 144,000 places, and those whose name are written in the book of life after the Creation will be saved. (Revelations 20:15)
Then there is no restriction on the number of the saved. And the 144,000 will be kings and reign them forever. (Revelations 22:5) Therefore the 144,000 kingdoms will be created in the spiritual world later. Even the nations are 144,000, so we can not imagine how many the number of peoples will be.

11. Do the 144,000 come from Israel?

The 144,000 are those who are sealed from all the tribes of Israel. (Revelations 7:4) Due to that, many people think the independence of Israel is God’s will. And they say if the 144,000 are sealed in Israel, Jesus will come again to Jerusalem.
However the 144,000 are not from the nation of Israel. They are purchased with Jesus’ blood, who are from every people and nation. (Revelations 5:9) Therefore Israel from which 144,000 are sealed does not mean one nation. In fact Israel which God made from choosing Abraham is a symbol of the spiritual Israel, and it means all those who believe in God.
They are produced in the Old and New Testament time, and most of them are martyrs. Those who have been slain because of the word of God are saints from the Old Testament time, and those, because of the testimony of Jesus, saints from the New Testament time. (Revelations 6:9, 20:4) On the foreheads of whom God had produced is the name of God, and whom Jesus have been producing, the name of Jesus. (Revelations 14:1) They have been being producing during 6,000 years after God chose Cain and Abel, and yet the number is filled.
They are also called as the wife of the Lamb, and have the qualification to enter the new Jerusalem. (Revelations 21:9-10, 27) Jerusalem in this world is the symbol of it. Abraham is the symbol of God, Isaac is the symbol of Jesus, and Jacob is the symbol of olive tree. As Jacob produced 12 tribes from 12 sons, olive tree will produce soldiers of heaven from believers in God and complete 12 tribes of the spiritual Israel.
Most of the prophecies of Jerusalem and Israel in the prophetic books do not mean Jerusalem and Israel in this world, but the new Jerusalem and the spiritual Israel. What God wants is to make the army of heaven consisted of the 144,000. With them the Devil shall be destroyed, and after that there will be the Last Judgment. (Revelations 20:10-15)

12. Is Jerusalem, the apple of the God’s eye, the Jerusalem on earth?

Whoever touches Zion, Jerusalem, touches the apple of God’s eye. (Zechariah 2:8) Thus Jews say any deed against Jerusalem would get the payment. However this Zion, Jerusalem, God said does not mean the Jerusalem on earth.
In Zechariah chapter 2 verse 2, Jerusalem would be measured. The same thing is in Revelations 11:1 as to measure the temple of God, and in 21:16, as the result of the measure, it is 12,000 stadia in length, and as wide and high as it is long. This city is not Jerusalem on earth but the New Jerusalem in heaven. (Revelations 21:10) And it symbolizes the wife of the Lamb. (Revelations 21:9) Only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life can enter it. (Revelations 21:27)
Lamb’s bride will be given fine linen to wear, and the fine linen stands for the righteous acts of the saints. (Revelations 19:7-8) They are the members of the army of heaven to follow Jesus riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen. (Revelations 19:14) They will fight against the devils and capture the beast and the false prophet and throw them into the lake of fire. (Revelations 19:19-20)
The New Jerusalem indicates the Lamb’s wife, the 144,000, the army of heaven. Jerusalem on earth is the symbol of the New Jerusalem in heaven. In another word, the important in God’s work is not Jerusalem on earth, but the New Jerusalem to fight against the devils. God has been working 6,000 years to make the army. With the army being completed, the Devil will be destroyed, and afterwards the Last Judgment will be held and those who will enter the kingdom of heaven and the lake of fire will be determined at the Judgment.

13. Will the battle of Armageddon be on the Earth?

Many think the battle of Armageddon is the 3rd world war which will be happened in Israel. However it is to capture the Devil, and it is the war between spirits belonged to God and spirits, to the Devil, so it will be happened in the spiritual world.
They think so because of the expression of “the kings of the earth” so it will be happened on the Earth. (Revelations 16:16, 19:19) As the flesh has the fleshly body, the spirit has the spiritual body. The earth on which the fleshly body lives is the world of the flesh, and the earth on which the spiritual body lives is the world of the spirit. (Refer to 1 Corinthians 15:44)
In the war, at first the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies will gather together and make war against Jesus and the army of heaven, and as a result, the beast and the false prophet will be thrown into the lake of fire. (Revelations 19:19-20) Afterwards the dragon himself will gather his armies for battle. (Revelations 20:8) As a result, the dragon will be captured and thrown into the lake of fire. (Revelations 20:10)
Therefore the battle of Armageddon is the war to capture the devils, the dragon and the beast. The war to capture the devils is the war between spirits, and that will be in the spiritual world, not in this fleshly world.

14. Is the one to judge on the white throne God?

After the Devil will be destroyed later, God will judge all the souls who have been born after the creation. (Ecclesiastes 12:14, Isaiah 2:4) God entrusted all judgment to Jesus. (John 5:22) And Jesus will give all judgment to the martyrs, that is the soldiers of heaven. (Revelations 20:4)
The number of the soldiers of heaven is 144,000 so the judgment will be in 144,000 places. People think the one to judge on the white throne is God. (Revelations 20:11)
However he is not God but one of the 144,000. All those whose name is written in the book of life will be saved. (Revelations 20:15) And the 144,000 soldiers will reign them forever. (Revelations 22:5) Therefore there will be 144,000 kingdoms in the spiritual world later.

15. Comparison between John the apostle and two Olive Trees

Jesus let John the apostle write the book of Revelation. That’s because he wanted to introduce two Olive Trees as his witnesses. (Revelations 11:3-4) Lampstand symbolizes church. (Revelations 1:20) Therefore the two lampstands means those who follow the two Olive Trees. Therefore John the apostle is the one who prophesied them and the key figures are two Olive Trees. Who is more important? Needless to say, Olive Trees are.
John the apostle is in the most important tree disciples of the twelve ones of Jesus.
Jesus took them around apart and showed them the important things. (Mark5:37, 9:2, 14:33) However even though John the apostle was not the one prophesied. But Olive Trees are prophesied ones. Then you should fix your eyes on the work of those who Jesus erected as his witnesses.

16. Does olive tree mean church?

There is the word the two witnesses of Jesus are two olive trees and two lampstands in the Bible. (Revelations 11:3-4) To interpret this word literally, the two olive trees are same to the two lampstands. Thus some interpret olive tree as church, and two olive trees, Judaism and Christianity. However this interpretation has a problem. The book of Zechariah says two olive trees are two people. (Zechariah 4:11-14)
Then what are the two lampstands? Lampstand means church. (Revelations 1:20) Two lampstands means those who follow the two olive tree. They are taught by the two olive trees and also get to act the role of witnesses of Jesus.

17. Does spiritual experience have no objectivity?

So many have spiritual experiences. There are those who have such experiences like meeting God, hearing God’s voice, watching visions, going out of body, rising from the dead. However we don’t say spiritual experiences are objective. The reason is we can not sense those with our five sensory organs. Thus we can not show our spiritual experiences to others. Nevertheless I am not the only one to experience those, so the experiences can be said to be objective from the fact that they have common parts. We may call it subjective objectivity.
Some say they can not believe in God until science proves God. Such a thing is impossible. Science is targeted to the five senses and God is out of them. However human has not only the flesh but also the spirit so we may see spirits. Just we cannot see spirits because our spiritual eyes are not opened normally. But when God opens our eyes, we can see spirits. In the Bible is such an example. A servant of Elisha got up and went out one morning, an army was there to capture Elisha. When he worried and reported it to Elisha, Elisha said not to worry and prayed to God, and God opened his servant’s eyes and showed him angels were protecting Elisha. (2 Kings 6:17)


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